First edition 1700. Second part in 1706 which deals with navigation has the title Fortsetzung des Geöffneten See-Hafens/ In welchen eine zulängliche Nachricht von der Schiffahrt selbsten/ Und wie ein jeder begreissen/ verstehen und davon urtheilen soll/ Auch denen so zur See dienen wollen/ zur Erlernung leichte Wege gewiesen werden, by C.B.A.
References: Private Collection*; GV; NHSM.
This book is only known in one copy in an institutional library.
References: Private Collection*; US Navy Dept. Library/RCA Bibl.
A cancellandum titlepage has the imprint: Printed for A. Bell … and R. Smith …Other editions 1721 (?), 1726 (2nd), 1755, 1766, 1784, 1794 and 1840.
References: Private Collection*; Marinens Bibliotek, Copenhagen*; Essex - Peabody Museum*; National Maritime Museum; RCA Bibl; NUC; Adams.
The 1st edition is from 1700. Also in Der Geöffnete Ritterplatz.
References: Wede 30:408.
The title page of the second part gives Tome Second but the text starts with Tome premier, seconde partie. Usually bound with Les pavillions …, 1718.
References: Private Collection*; HSMK*; Kungl. Örlogsmannasällskapet, Karlskrona; The Mariners' Museum; National Maritime Museum; Essex - Peabody Museum; Polak 56.
J. Sheepsshanks, London, 1855 (repr.). 39 copies.
Facsimile: E. & F.N. Spon, London, 1860.
Facsimile: Spon, London, 1873.
Also reprinted in Great Britain, Patent Office, Supplement to the series of letter patent and specifications of letters patent for inventions recorded in the Great seal Patent office, and granted between the 1st March (14 Jac. I.) A.D. 1617, and the 1st October (16 Vict.) A.D. 1852 … Edited by Bennet Woodcroft …
Vol. I, London, 1858, pp (147)-160.A proposal to employ a Newcomen engine to propel a ship in water.
References: NUC; Francis Edwards 839:524.
Identical to the 5th edition of The Compleat Ship-wright. With a 13th chapter on rigging added with texts from Miller and Bond.
Adams gives 1738. Another edition 1748.
References: John Carter Brown Library*; Adams.
First edition 1744.
References: Private Collection*; Adams.
With chapter vignettes engraved by Nicolas Ozanne. With a chapter on the center of gravity and metacenter added.First edition 1752, this edition was translated into German in 1791.
References: Private Collection*; Sjöfartsmuseet, Gothenburg*; Kungl. Örlogsmannasällskapet, Karlskrona; The Mariners' Museum; Essex - Peabody Museum; Polak 2860; RCA Bibl.
This is a magnificent collection of plans of merchant ships, privateers, and pleasure craft comprising: First Class: Ten draughts of frigate built ships of 1140 to 65 tons with ship, snow, schooner or sloop rigging; Second Class: Four draughts of hagboats of 1164 to 548 tons with ship rigging; Third Class: Six draughts of pink built ships of 416 to 52 tons with ship, snow, brigantine or sloop rigging; Fourth Class: Ten draughts of cat built ships of 1097 to 43 tons with ship, snow, brigantine or sloop rigging; Fifth Class: Ten draughts of bark built ships of 1257 to 41 tons with ship, snow, brigantine or sloop rigging; 16 draughts of vessels of small draught of water; Five draughts of packet ships; Ten draughts of pleasure vessels for sailing; Eight draughts of pleasure vessels for rowing; 22 draughts of boats, large and small for the use of ships; 13 draughts of privateers; Eleven draughts of vessels of war; Nine draughts of merchant ships or vessels; Two plates of launching and manner of rigging; The frontispiece of the Stockholm harbour is engraved by Årre, the rest of the plates were engraved by Chapman's nephew Lars Bogman.
The intended text volume was not published until 1775 and with the title Tractat om Skepps-Byggeriet and was then a work on its own.
References: Private Collection*; G.W. Blunt White Library*; Kungl. Örlogsmannasällskapet, Karlskrona; SSHM.
References: Private Collection*; Polak 3061; NHSM.
Pp 7 & 241 incorrectly numbered 8 & 141.Chapman's most important work. Introduces his parabolic method of construction and the first use of Simpson's rule in naval architecture. Translated into French in 1779 and again in 1781, but it was not translated into English until 1820 and possibly also a Russian edition.
References: Private Collection*; SSHM; Marinmuseum, Karlskrona; The Mariners' Museum; Sjöfartsmuseet, Gothenburg.
Other editions 1781 (2nd), 1787 (2nd), 1791 (3rd?) and fourth edition 1794 with the title A Treatise on Naval Architecture.
References: Private Collection*; Adams; Kungl. Örlogsmannasällskapet, Karlskrona.
One of the 131 volumes making up the Descriptions des Arts et Metiers published by the l'Academie de Sciences during 1761-1789.
References: Private Collection*; Kungl. Örlogsmannasällskapet, Karlskrona; Marinens Bibliotek, Copenhagen; The Mariners' Museum; Polak 8370.
One of the 131 volumes making up the Descriptions des Arts et Metiers published by the l'Academie Royale de Sciences during 1761-1789. Translated by Pierre Charles Lemonnier from the original Swedish edition of 1775. A second superior translation appeared in 1781.
One of the 131 volumes making up the Descriptions des Arts et Metiers published by the l'Academie de Sciences during 1761-1789.
References: Private Collection*; Polak 8371.
Other editions 1789-1790 & An VI (1798). The editition of (1775) was reissued without changes 1793.
References: Private Collection*; Polak 3161.
First edition in 1781, third 1803. The list of subscribers omitted from the first edition, otherwise apparently a re-issue.
References: Private Collection*.
Second edition 1815.
References: Private Collection*; Marinens Bibliotek, Copenhagen; The Mariners' Museum; Scott 2888; Polak 3522; RCA Bibl.
Pp 197-203 are fold. tables printed on one side only, page 207 is double spread.Volume 19 of Schauplatz der Kunste und Handwerke …
Pages IX-XLVIII contains an annotated bibliography of books on Naval Architecture.
A practical treatise on the construction of vessels, a classic in naval architecture and a most important work of the period. The translator has made additions relating to the building of merchantmen. The last 28 pp consist of a combined index and dictionary.
With parts on French naval architecture.
The first edition 1777 with the title A Treatise on Practical Seamanship.
New editions of the chapters of the 1794 edition appeared as separate parts:Seamanship: 1795, 1807, 1811 (Blunt), 1841. Based on J. Bourdé de Villehuet's Le Manoeuvrier first published 1765, Gower's Seamanship, 1793 and Taylor's Instructions for Young Mariners, 1792.
Art of Rigging: 1796, 1806, 1816, 1818, 1828, 1848 (Biddlecombe).
Art of Sailmaking: 1796, 1807, 1809, 1821, 1843.
Art of Making Masts: 1797, 1798, 1801, 1816, 1841.
A System of Naval Tactics: 1797, 1850 (Biddlecombe). Translations of works by Bourdé de Villehuet, Sébastian François Bigot de Morogues and Jacques Raymond de Grenier.
Combined volumes appeared: 1800, 1821 and 1822.
Updated 2001-01-12 by Lars Bruzelius
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