Bibliographies: Shanties
Heart of Oak, text and audio.
- Le Chanson du "Redoutable".
Mariner's Mirror Vol. 1, London, 1911. p 29.
From the Petit Var, Toulon, 25th November, 1910.
- The Shell Book of Shanties.
The Shell Petroleum Co., London, 1952.
- Alden, W.L.: Sailors' Shanties and Sea Songs.
Chambers's Journal, London, 11 December, 1869. pp 794-796.
- Alden, W.L.: Sailors' Songs.
Harper's New Monthly Magazine, New York, July 1882. pp 281-286.
- Alden, W.L.: More Maritime Melodies.
Commercial Publishing Co., San Francisco, 1894.
- Arnoux, Guy: Chansons de marin français au temps de la marine en
Devambez, Paris, 1918.
- Ashton, John: Real Sailor Songs.
Leadenhall Press, London, 1891. New York, 1972 (facsimile).
- Baltzer, R. & Prigge, Klaus: "Knurrhahn". Sammlung deutscher
und englisher Seemannslieder und Shanties wie sie auf
deutschen Segelschiffen gesungen wurden. 1. Band.
A.C. Ehlers, Kiel, 1936 (3rd impr. ed.). 8vo, (8), 101 pp, ill, 11 plates.
Kiel, 1943 (6th).
Hamburg, 1952 (Abbreviated edition).
- Beckett, Mrs Clifford: Shanties and Forebitters.
J. Curwen & Sons, Ltd., London, 1914.
- Bernard, D.H.: Sea Songs and Chanties.
The Nautical
Magazine Vol. LXXV (1906).
- "Bihor, Jean-Marie le": Chansons de la voile, "sans voiles".
Dunkerque, 1935. The author is Capt. A. Hayet.
- Björklund, Anders & Nordlinder, Gunnar: Visor & verser från
Liber, Stockholm, 1980. 8vo, 189 pp, ill.
- Blom, Å.G.: Sjømansviser. Shanties og frivaktsviser.
Norweg 18 (1975).
- Bradford, J. & Fagge, A.: Old Sea Chanties.
Metzler & Co., Ltd., London, 1904.
- Broadwood, Lucy E.: Early Chanty Singing and Ship Music.
Journal of the Folk Song Society, London, Vol. 8 (nd). pp 55-58.
- Brochmann, D.H.: Opsang fra Seilskibstiden.
Christiania, 1916.
- Brochmann, D.H.: Shantimanden.
Christiania, 1908.
- Brochmann, D.H.: Sjømannsviser.
Oslo, 1937.
- Brown, R. Curtis: Sailors' Shanties.
Nautical Magazine Vol. XCVII (1917). pp 294-299.
- Bryggman, Lorentz: Tjugofem sjömansvisor från Åland.
Ålands Tidnings-Tryckeri, Mariehamn, 1973. 8vo, 36 pp.
- Bullen, Frank T. & Arnold, W.F.: Songs of Sea Labour (Chanties).
Swan & Co., London, (1915) (2nd). 8vo, xviii, 35 pp.
42 shanties with piano music.
- Carpenter, J.M.: Chanteys in the Age of Sail.
New York Times, 30 October 1938.
- Carrieres, Marcel: Chansons de la mer occitane.
Le Petit Perroquet Vol. 4, Grenoble, 1976-77. pp 16:34-44.
- Chovin: Chansons de marins.
Paris, nd.
- Christopher, J.E.: Chanties and Folk-Songs. A Landsman's Views.
Sea Breezes Vol. 10, Liverpool, 1927. p 29.
- Colcord, Joanna C.: Roll and Go, Songs of American Sailormen.
Bobbs-Merrill Co., Indianapolis, IN, 1924.
- Colcord, Joanna C.: Songs of American Sailormen.
Oak Publications, New York, 1964. 4to, 208 pp, ill.
- Davis, J. & Tozer, Ferris: Sailor Songs or "Chanties".
Boosey & Co., Ltd., London, 1887.
- Day, Thomas Fleming: Songs of Sea and Sail.
Rudder Publishing Co., 1898.
- Derby, Thomas: Sailors' Chanties or Working Songs of the Sea.
Manchester Quarterly XXXIV, 1915. pp 285-302.
- Doerflinger, W.M.: Shantymen and Shantyboys: Songs of the Sailor and
the Lumbermen.
Macmillan Co., New York, 1951.
- Engström, Uno: Visan om "Tekla".
Longitude 28, Sthlm, 1992. pp 81-82.
- Favara, Alberto: Canti della terra e del mare di Sicilia.
G. Ricordi & Co., Milan, 1948.
- Finger, Charles J.: Sailor Chanties and Cowboy Songs.
Haldeman-Julius Co., Gerard, KN, 1923.
- Frank, Stuart M.: 'Boston': Two 'New' Texts of an Old Favorite Sea Song.
The American Neptune Vol. 45, Salem, 1985. pp 175-179.
- Frothingham, Robert: Songs of the Sea and Sailors' Chanteys.
Houghton Mifflin Co., Cambridge, MA, 1924.
- Greenleaf, Elisabeth & Mansfield, Grace: Ballads and Sea Songs of
Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1933. 8vo, 395 pp, 8 ill.
189 ballads and tunes recorded in the field by Grace Yarrow Mansfield.
- Gullers, K.W.& Sundblad, Bo: Sea Songs.
Gullers International, Stockholm, 1976. 8vo, 94 pp, ill.
- Halliwell, J.O.: The Early Naval Ballads of England.
The Percy Society, Library of Trinity College, Cambridge, 1841.
- Harlow, F.P.: Chanteying Aboard American Ships.
The American Neptune, Salem, Vol. ? (1948). pp 81-89.
- Haswell, George H. ed.: Ten Shanties Sung on the Australia Run 1879.
Antipodes Press, 1993 [?].
- Hayet, Capt. Armand: Chanson de bord.
Editions Eos, Paris, 1927.
- Healy, James N.: Irish Ballads and Songs of the Sea.
Mercier Press, Cork, 1967. 12mo, 144 pp.
- Hugill, Stan: Shanties and Sailors' Songs.
London, 1969.
- Hugill, Stan: Shanties from the Seven Seas. Shipboard Work-Songs
used as Work-Songs from the Great Days of Sail.
Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, 1961. 8vo, xx, 609 pp, ill.
- Hugill, Stan: Songs of the Sea. The Tales and Tunes of Sailors
and Sailing Ships.
McGraw-Hill Book Comp., Maidenhead, 1977. 198 pp, ill.
- Hurd, Michael: Sailor's Songs and Shanties.
London, 1965.
- Hutchinson, P.A.: 'Sailors' Chanties.
The Journal of the American Folk Lore Society Vol. XIX (1906), pp 16-28.
- Ives, Burl: Sea Songs of Sailing, Whaling and Fishing.
New York, 1956.
- Jensen, Oscar: Internationale sömands-opsange. "Chanties"
med danske variationer.
Hertz's Bogtryckeri, Copenhagen, 1923. +8vo, 154 pp.
- Jonsson, Bengt R.: Kom följ med mej på sjöen ut. Till den
svenska sjömannsvisans historia.
Reprint from Saga och Sed 1976, Stockholm, 1977. pp 84-123.
Meddelanden från Svenskt Visarkiv 38.
- Kaukiainen, Yrjö: "Laiva Toivo, Oulu" - en röst från skansen.
Historisk Tidskrift för Finland, Helsingfors, 1988.
pp 465-489, ill.
- King, Stanton H.: King's Book of Chanties.
Oliver Ditson & Co., Boston & New York, 1918.
- Kramer, A.M.: Salty Sea Songs and Chanteys.
London, nd.
- Landelle, G. de la: Gaillard d'avant, chansons maritimes.
E. Dentu, Paris.
- Lantz, Monica red.: Sjömansvisor. Folkliga visor utgivna och
kommenterade av Svenskt Visarkiv. LTs förlag, Stockholm, 1980. 8vo, 143 pp, ill.
- Laughton, L.G. Carr: The Sebastian Shirk.
The Mariner's Mirror Vol. 14, London, 1928. pp 171.
- Laughton, L.G. Carr: Shantying and Shanties.
The Mariner's Mirror, Vol. 9 (1923).
- Laurent, Donatien: Le chant d'adieu d'un matelot breton.
Le Petit Perroquet Vol. 4, Grenoble, 1976-77. pp 20:19-21.
- Leyland, John: Some Ballads and Songs of the Sea.
The Mariner's Mirror Vol. 8, London, 1922. pp 117-120.
- Luce, S.B. comp.: Naval Songs.
W.A. Pond & Co., New York, 1883.
- Mackenzie, W.Roy: Ballads and Sea Songs from Nova Scotia.
Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1928.
- Marston & Allen, D.: Shanties.
London, nd.
- Masefield, John: Sea Songs.
Temple Bar, London, 1906. pp 56-80.
- Masefield, John: A Sailor's Garland.
London, 1924.
- Meloney, W.B.: The Cantey Man Sings.
Everybody's, 1915.
- Merwe, Pieter van der: Charles Dibdin, Jack and the Windlass.
The Mariner's Mirror Vol. 67, London, 1981. p 193.
- Mikkelsen, Børge: Sømandssange, gamle og nye.
Copenhagen, 1941.
- Molaug, Svein: Sjømannsviser.
Skib og sjøfolk, Tønsberg, 1961. pp 115-120.
Summary: Sea Shanties in the Last Days of Sail.
- Mortimer-Evans, P.: At Sea in the Eighteen-eighties - Shanties and
their Singers.
The Nautical Magazine Vol. CXXIV (1930), pp 129-131.
- Murray, James: Sailors' Songs with California Significance.
California Folklore Quarterly, 1946. pp 143-152.
- Möller, H.T.: Shantysang i sejlskibenes sidste dage.
Handels- og Söfartsmuseet på Kronborg. Årbog 1964, Helsingör, 1964.
pp 109-124, ill.
- Ohlsson, Rolf: Sjögående sextetter, pompa och underhållning
Sveriges Flotta årg. 79, Sthlm, 1983. pp 12:40-41, ill.
- Pallman, Gerhard: Seemannslieder.
Hamburg, 1938.
- Prigge, Klaus: Seemannslieder und Shanties des Lotsengesangvereins
Musikverlag Hans Sikorski, Hamburg, 1952.
- Rickaby, Franz L.: Ballads and Songs of the Shanty-Boy.
Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1926.
- Robinson, Capt. John: Songs of the Chantey Man.
The Bellman, Minneapolis, MN, Vol. 23 (1917).
- Rowley, Alex: Songs of the Seven Seas.
- Ryan, Shannon & Small, Larry: Haulin' Rope & Gaff. Songs and Poetry in
the History of the Small Newfoundland Seal Fishery.
Breakwater Books, St. John, 1978. 8vo, 178 pp, 11 ill, 4 maps.
- Saar, R.W. & Forsyth, Gilbert: Twelve Sailors' Songs or Chanteys.
Paxton, London, 1927.
- Sampson, John: The Seven Seas Shanty Book.
Boosey & Co., London, 1927.
- Sanguinetti, Tony: Chansons de marine.
Editions maritimes et d'outre-mer, Paris, 1966. 4to, 100 pp, ill.
- Saunders, William: Sailors' Songs and Songs of the Sea.
Musical and Music Trade Review, London, 1929. pp 1102-1104.
- Saunders, William: Folk Songs of the Sea.
Musical and Music Trade Review, London, 1927. pp 984-985.
- Sharp, Cecil J.: English Folk-Chanteys.
Simpkin Marshall, London, 1914.
- Sharp, Cecil J.: Capstan Chanteys.
Novello & Co., London, 1919.
- Sharp, Cecil K.: Pulling Chanteys.
Novello & Co., London, 1919.
- Shay, Frank: American Sea Songs and Chanteys.
W.W. Norton Publishers, New York, 1948/1951.
Smithmark Pub. Inc. New York, 1991.
Contains about 80 shanties, the rest of the book is made up of sea stories.
- Shay, Frank ed.: Deep Sea Chanties. Old Sea Songs.
Wm. Heinemann, London, 1925;4to, xx, 154 pp, ill.
Decorations and Woodcuts by Edw. A. Wilson. Introduction by William McFee.
- Smith, C. Fox: A Book of Shanties.
Methuen & Co., London, 1927.
- Smith, C. Fox: Sea Songs and Ballads 1917-22.
Methuen & Co., London, 1923. 8vo, viii, 136 , 8 pp, 6 pl.
With six illusrtations by W. Phil Smith.
- Smith, Laura A.: The Music of the Waters.
London, 1888.
- Smith, V.: Gamle Sjømannsviser samlet fra Bergen og
Bergen, 1932.
- Sternvall, Sigurd: Sång under segel. Sjömans visor, ballader,
berättande rimkväden, gångspelslåtar och halartrallar, shanties och ditties.
Bonniers, Stockholm, 1935. +8vo, 382 pp, ill.
- Strobach, Hermann & Gerlach, Jens: Shanties.
Hinstorff Verlag, Rostock, 1978 (4th);Kv8vo, (278) pp, ill.
- Suscinis, Jean: Chanson de la mer et de la voile.
Private Press, Paris, sd.
- Tegtmeier, K.: Alte Seemannslieder und Shanties.
Dr Ernst Hauswedell & Co., Hamburg, (1935). Hamburg, (1954) [7th ed.]
- Terry, R.R.: The Shanty Book. Part I.
J. Curwen & Sons, London, 1921.
- Terry, R.R.: The Shanty Book. Part II.
J. Curwen & Sons, London, 1926.
- Terry, R.R.: The Shanty Book.
J. Curwen & Sons, London, 1931.
- Terry, R.R.: Sailors' Shanties.
The Music Student, London, 1917. pp 95-98.
- Terry, R.R.: Salt Sea Ballads.
J. Curwen & Sons, London, 1931.
- Thompson, Edgar K.: Grog - The Mariner's Compass.
The Mariner's Mirror Vol. 63, London, 1977. p 32.
- Toye, Geoffrey: Sea Chanties.
London, 1924.
- Tozer, Ferris & Davis, F.J.: Sailors' Songs or Chanties.
Boosey, London, 1906.
- Trevine, Owen: Deep Sea Chanties.
J.B. Cramer & Co., London, 1921.
- Törnblom, Folke H.: 60 visor från de sju haven.
Bonniers, Stockholm, 1976. 96 pp, ill.
- Vaughan, H.S.: Lardy Edgcumbe.
The Mariner's Mirror Vol. 2, London, 1923. p. 247-248.
- Villner, K.: "När lantman trygg på landet står, en
sjöman emot böljan slå". Antagonism mellan sjömän
och bönder belyst av folkliga sjömansvisor.
Institutionen för Folklivsforskning, Stockholms Universitet, 1980.
- Wallert, Evert: Sång under segel.
Rospiggen Nr 25, Elmsta, 1964. pp 3-6.
Rospiggen Nr 41, Elmsta, 1980. pp 42-59, ill.
- Walters, Alan: Songs of the Sea.
Temple Bar, London, 1900. pp 485-495.
- Wanner, H.-J.: Die Hauptformen des Hochseeshantys.
Jahrbuch für Volksliedforschung XI, 1966. pp 26-36.
- Webb, Alfred: Sailors' Chanties.
The Irish Monthly, Dublin, 1903. pp 37-42.
- Whall, Capt. W.B.: The Sea Shanty.
The Yachting Monthly, October 1906.
- Whall, Capt. W.B.: Sea Melody.
The Nautical Magazine Vol. LXXVI (1906).
- Whall, Capt. W.B.: Real Sea Songs.
The Nautical Magazine Vol. LXXXI-LXXXII (1909-1910).
- Whall, Capt. W.B.: Real Sea Shanties.
The Nautical Magazine Vol. LXXXIII (1910).
- The Book of Navy Songs.
- Whall, Capt. W.B.: Sea Songs and Shanties.
Brown, Son & Ferguson, Glasgow, 1974 (repr. of 6th ed. 1927). xx, 154 pp, ill.
- Whall, Capt. W.B.: Ships, Sea Songs and Shanties.
- Whitehead, A.W. & Harris, S.T.: Six Sea Shanties.
Boosey & Co., London, 1925.
- Wiklund, Bo: "- Ut på havets vida yta . . . -" Ur svenska
sjömansvisans historia.
- Williams, J.H.: The Sailors' "Chanties".
The Independent, New York, 8 July 1909. pp 76-83.
Doubleday, Page & Co., New York, 1926. Compiled by the Trident Society, US
Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD.
Updated 1997-06-09 by
Lars Bruzelius
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