Fredrik Henrik af Chapman (1721-1808)
Swedish Vice-Admiral and naval architect.
- 1721 September 9
- Born in Göteborg [Gothenburg] as the son of Thomas Chapman, the Superintendent of the Royal Dockyard there and his wife, the daughter of an English master-shipwright.
- 1738
- Apprentice at the naval shipyard in Gothenburg.
- 1741-1743
- Worked at shipyards in London.
- 1744
- Established a shipyard in Gothenburg together with the merchant
Peter Bagge for the purpose of repairing and outfitting the ships of the East
India Company.
- 1750-1752
- Studies in matemathics first at Lund and later for Fredrik Palmqvist in Stockholm.
- 1752-1756
- Studieresa till England, Frankrike och Holland.
- 1758
- Inspected the shipbuilding timber forests in the County of
Västerbooten and Finland during the winter.
- 1760-1762
- Transferred to Stralsund after the outbreak of war with Prussia in 1758. Here he designed four types of vessels for the shallow waters of the Pommeranian coast. The new types of ships were named udema,
pojama, turuma, and hemmema after Finnish counties
Uudenmaa, Pohjanmaa, Turunmaa and Häeenmaa.
- 1762-1764
- Sveaborg.
- 1764
- Överskeppsbyggmästare vid arméns flotta.
- 1764 [?]
- Begärde avsked.
- 1768
- Published Architectura navalis mercatoria.
- 1772
- Adlad af Chapman.
- 1775
- Published Tractat om Skepps-Byggeriet.
- 1776
- Överstelöjtnant vid amiralitetet.
- 1781
- Chef för skeppsbyggeriet i Karlskrona.
- 1783
- Varvsamiral vid örlogsflottan med konteramirals titel.
- 1791
- Vice-Admiral.
- 1793
- Retired.
- 1808 August 19
- Deceased in Carlskrona.
International contacts
Under sin studieresa i Sverige 1793 (?) besökte den danske
skeppsbyggmästaren Frantz Christopher Henrik Hohlenberg (1765-1804)
Stockholm och Karlskrona.
Under uppehållet i den senare staden lärde Hohlenberg känna af
Chapman. Om mötet med denne skriver Hohenberg i en rapport till det danska
… hos admiralen af Chapmann har jeg mødt den
modtagelse, Jeg ventede hos en mand af så høje kundskaber, der
føler, at videnskaberne forener alle nationer, eller at de, som dyrker
den, kun udgøre een og samme
Danske Orlogsskibe I, p 56.
Chapman kom att utöva stort inflytande över flera av den tidens främsta
skeppsbyggmästare i Danmark.
Den politiska situationen vid den tiden tillät dock praktiskt taget
aldrig danska studieresor till Sverige.
I Henrik Gerners efterlämnade arkiv återfinnes översättningar och
avskrifter av alla Chapmans verk.
I Gerners ägo fanns också åtskilliga svenska skeppsritningar.
Å andra sidan finns endast få ritningar av danskt ursprung i det
bevarade Chapmanarkivet.
[Danske Orlogsskibe I, p 47.]
I inledningen till Tractatet ställde Chapman upp fem egenskaper som
han ansåg ett godt skepp borde äga.
[Tractat om skeppbyggeriet, p (8).]
- 1:o, At Fartyget med et vist djupgående, kan inrymma och bära en
determinerad tyngd.
- 2:o, At det må äga en proportionerlig och determinerad styfhet,
och med det samma
- 3:o, Vara makligt och handterligt i Sjön, så at dess stampning och
slingringar, icke må blifva häftige.
- 4:o, At det kan segla väl både För och Bi-de-vind samt vinna i Lofven.
- 5:o, At det blifver lagom Lofgirigt och qvickt at vända.
Den engelska översättningen är praktiskt taget ordagrann och
förekom första gången 1820 i Inmans översättning av Tractatet.
[Här citerad från Pearse.]
- That a ship with a certain draught of water, should be able to
contain and carry a determinate lading.
- That it should have a sufficient and also determinate stability.
- That it should be easy at sea, or its rolling and pitching not
too quick.
- That it should sail well before the wind, and close to the wind,
and work well to windward.
- That it should not be too ardent, and yet come easily about.
Man kan misstänka att Chapman har lånat denna lista över egenskaper
från någon annan av tidens stora författare på området.
Chapman anklagades i Sverige bl a för att sprida Duhamels
[Sheldon (?)]
I den tyska översättningen från 1791 av Duhamel's verk
finner vi:
- I. Er soll die grösste möglische Ladung im Werhältniss seiner
Grösse einnehmen können; jedoch haben
- II. im Stande sehn, mit weniger Ladung oder mit Ballast
verhältnissmässig gut und sicher zu fahren
- III. Soll ein Kauffahrer dicht am Winde segeln können, damit er,
wenn er auf Leeger Wall verfällt, im Stande seh, denselben wieder
auszuseegeln, auch mit in dieser Rücksicht, in holer See leicht wenden.
- IV. Muss er sich von einer gegen seine Grösse verhältnissmässig
schwachen Bemannung regieren lassen.
[H.L. Duhamel du Monceau:
Anfangsgründe der Schiffbaukunst, 1791. p 175.]
Mungo Murray gjorde 1754 en förkortad översättning av Duhamel du
Monceaus bok, med tanke på att Chapman kan ha haft kontakt med
Mungo Murray under sin vistelse i England kan det vara intressant
att studera Mungo Murrays version av denna passage.
[Mungo Murray: A Treatise on Ship-Building, 1765.
p II:46.]
- 1st. To be able to carry a good sail, not only because, in forming
the body, the water lines are all supposed to be described when a ship is
upright in the water, but likewise for doubling a cape, or getting off
a lee shore, which will be impossible to be done when a ship lies over
in the water, this will likewise render her lower tier, if not all her
guns, useless.
- 2d. A ship should steer well, and feel the least motion of the helm.
- 3d. A ship should carry her lower tier of guns four feet and a half,
or five feet out of the water, otherwise a great ship, that cannot open
her ports upon a wind, but in smooth water, may be taken by a small one,
that can make use of her guns, or she must bare away before the wind, to
have the use of her guns; on which account it will be proper to raise the
ports higher before than in midships, because the fore part of the ship
is often pressed into the water by carrying sail.
- 4th. A ship should be duly poised, so as not to dive or pitcht hard,
but go smooth and easy through the water, rising to the sea when it runs
high, and the ship under her courses, or lying to under a mainsail,
otherwise she will be in danger of carrying away her masts.
- 5th. A ship should sail well before the wind, large, but chiefly
close hawled, keep a good wind, not fall of to the leeward.
Chapman's Library
- anon.: Marine Architecture: or, the Ship-Builder's Assistant:
containing directions for carrying on a ship, from the first
laying of the keel, to her actual going to sea, etc.
W. & J. Mount & T. Page, London, 1748. 4to, 88 pp,
1 fold. plate.
- Bernoulli, Jean: Essay d'une nouvelle theorie de la
manœuvre des vaisseaux, avec quelques Lettres sur le
même sujet.
Jean Georg König, Basel, 1714. 4to, 15x7.5 cm, (16), 220,
(4) pp, 14 fold. plates.
Signed: London 10 sept 1754.
- Bouguer, Pierre: De la manoeuvre des vaisseaux, ou Traité de
méchanique et de dynamique; Dans lequel on réduit a des
solutions trè.s-simples les Problêmes de Marine les
plus difficiles, qui ont pour objet le mouvement du Navire.
H.L. Guerin & L.F. Delatour, Paris, 1757. 4to, 17x10.5 cm,
(4), xxx, 520 pp, 15 fold. plates.
Signed: Paris 3 febr 1757.
- Bouguer, Pierre: Traité du navire, de sa construction, et de
ses mouvements.
Ch. Ant. Jombert, Paris, 1746 (1st). 4to, 18.5x11 cm,
xl, 682, (4) pp, 12 fold. plates.
Signed: Brest den 30 Jan. 1756.
- Bourdé de Villehuet, Jacques: Le Manœuvrier, ou Essai
sur la Théorie et la Pratique des Mouvements du Navire et des
Évolutions navales.
Desaint, Paris, 1769 (2nd). 8vo, 14.5x10.5 cm, xxxii, 406,
(1) pp, 8 fold. plates.
- Bourdé de Villehuet, Jacques: Manuel des Marins, ou
Explication des termes de Marine.
Julian le Jeune fils, Paris & l'Orient, 1773. 2 vols, 8vo,
13x7.5 cm, (2), 271 pp & 278, (2) pp.
- Dassie: L'Architecture navale, 1677.
Reference: Sjöfartsmuseet, Göteborg: London, 1757.
- Duranti de Lironcourt, de: Instruction élémentaire et raisonée
sur la construction pratique des vaisseaux, en forme de
dictionnaire: Ouvrage publié par ordre de Monseigneur de
Boynes, Secretaire d'ètat, avant de Département de la Marine.
J.B.G. Musier Fils, Paris, 1771. 8vo, 14.5×8 cm,
xxxii, 271 pp, 2 fold. tables.
- Euler, Leonard: Scientia navalis seu tractatus de construendis
ac dirigendis navibus pars prior complectens theoriam
universam de situ ac motu corporum aquae innatantium.
Academia Scientiarum Imperialis, St. Petersburg, 1749.
2 vols, 4to, 17.5×12.5 cm, (2), 444 pp, 37 fold. plates &
(2), 534 pp, 28 fold. plates.
Signed: London Dec 1754.
- Hutchinson, William: A Treatise on Naval Architecture.
Founded upon Philosophical and Rational Principles, Towards Establishing Fixed
Rules for the Best Form and Proportional Dimensions in Length, Breadth and
Depth, of Merchants Ships in General, and also the Management of them to the
greatest advantage, by Practical Seamanship; with important hints and remarks
relating thereto, especially both for defence and attacks in war at sea, from
long approved experience. Fourth edition, enlarged and improved.
T. Billinge, Liverpool, 1794 (4th enl.). 4to, 21×14 cm,
frontisp., xvi, 304 pp, 12 plates (1 folding).
- Hutchinson, William: A Treatise on Practical Seamanship; with
Hints and Remarks Relating Thereto: Designed to Contribute
Something towards Fixing Rules upon Philosophical and Rational
Principles; to Make Ships, and the Management of Them; and
also Navigation, in General, more Perfect, and Consequently
less Dangerous and Destructive to Health, Lives, and Property.
Printed for the Author, Liverpool, 1777 (1st). 4to, 20×14 cm,
frontisp., xiv, 213 pp, 10 plates.
- Juan, Jorge de: Examen martime, théorique et pratique, ou
traité Méchanique, appliqué à la construction et a la
manoeuvre des Vaisseaux & autres Bâtiments.
Par Don Georges Juan …
traduit de l'Espagnol, avec des additions,
par M. Levêque.
l'Autheur & Augustin Jean Malassis & Despilly, Nantes, 1783.
2 vols, 4to, 19.5×12.5 cm, xii, 396, 14 pp, 5 fold. plates
& 364, 20 pp, 9 fold. plates.
Signed: 1788.
- Murray, Mungo:
A Treatise on Shipbuilding and Navigation in three parts.
- (Renau d'Elicagaray, Bernard): De la theorie de la manoeuvre
des vaisseaux.
Estienne Michallet, Paris, 1689 (2nd). 8vo, 15×7.5 cm,
frontisp., (10), 117 pp & 25 fold. plates.
Signed: Paris 15 sept. 1755.
- Steel, David: The Elements and Practice of Rigging and
Printed for David Steel, London, 1794. 2 vol, -4to, 21×17.5 cm,
xv, (3), 242 pp, 1 tab., 62 plates & (32), 243-426, (4),
147 pp, ill., 27 plates & 94 fold. plates.
- Wallis, John: (Algebra), 1685.
Reference: Sjöfartsmuseet, Göteborg: London, 1755.
- Witsen, Nicolaes: Aeloude en hedendaegsche scheeps-bouw en
bestier: Waer in wijtloopigh wert verhandelt, de wijze van
Scheeps-timmeren, by Grieken en Romeynen: Scheeps-oeffeningen,
Strijden, Tucht, Straffe, Wetten en gewoonten. Beneffens
evenmatige grootheden van Schepen onses tijts, ontleet in
alle hare deelen: Verschil van bouwen tusschen uitheemschen
en onzen landaert: Indisch Vaertuygh: Galey-bouw:
hedendaegsche Scheeps-plichten: Verrijckt met een reex
verklaerde Zee-mans spreeck-woorden en benamingen.
Doorgaens verciert met vele Kopere platen.
Casparus Commelijn; Broer en Jan Appelaer, Amsterdam, 1671.
4to, (16), 516, 40, (4) pp, 116 plates.
Signed: 1751.
- Yk, Cornelis van: De Nederlandsche Scheeps-bouw-konst open
Gestelt; Vertoonende naar wat Regel, of Evenredenheyd, in
Nederland meest alle Scheepen werden gebouw; mitgaders
Masten, Zeylen, Ankers en Touwen, enz. daar aan gepast.
Ian ten Hoorn, Amsterdam, 1697. 4vo, 24×12.5 cm, (14), 354,
(8) pp, 23 plates.
Signed: 1745.
Given to J. Ringheim 1809 by översten Chapman.
The Chapman Archives
I Chapmansamlingen finns ritningar till bl a en engelsk medelhavsfarare
på 340 ton vid namn Thames samt en fransk kapare om 372 ton.
Den senare ritningen är försedd med anteckningen
London, March 8th 17 49/50. The Liss, Privateer
of St Malloes, who in this last Warr had taken many prizes from the
English, was taken by an English Ship of Warr by over bearing her
with carrying sail in a gale of Wind . . .
En annan ("sheer draught") av Thames, vilken publicerades
i MM april 1937, innhavdes en gång i tiden av Charnock.
Denna ritning skiljer sig obetydligt från Chapmans ritning/offset
av samma fartyg.
I Mungo Murrays bok finns en tabell till Thames, vilken
överensstämmer med Liss och överensstämmer perfekt med ritningen i Chapmanarkivet.
En annan intressant iaktagelse är att tre av planscherna i Murrays bok
är signerade med F. Chapman, vilket åsyftar tecknaren.
Chapmans' Works
- (Prospect of Architectura Navalis Mercatoria).
Stockholm, 1766. 4to(?), 7 pp.
Text in Swedish and English.
Reference: RCA Bibl.
- Om bästa inrättningen vid Skepps-varf. Tankar
öfver J. Westerman's afhandling: Om Sveriges fördelar och
svårigheter i sjöfarten i jämförelse mot andre riken.
KVAH, vol. XXIX, Stockholm, 1768. s. 318-320.
Reference: UUB.
- Problem att finna rätta proportionen til åror,
och det i synnerhet för Galerer.
KVAH vol XXIX, Stockholm, 1768. s. 40-54.
Reference: UUB.
- Architectura navalis mercatoria navium varii
generis mercatorium, capulicarum, cursoriarum aliarumque
cuiuscunque conditiones vel molis, formas & rationes exhibens,
exempus aere incisis demonstrationibus denique, dimensionibus,
calculisque accuratissimis illustrata.
- Hans George Lange, Stockholm, 1768. Atlas folio, 46x75 cm,
frontisp., 14 pp, 62 plates.
- R. Loef, Magdeburg, 1936 (facs). 25x40 cm.
- R. Loef, Magdeburg, 1957 (facs). 21x33 cm.
- SSHM, Stockholm, 1959 (New impr.). 30 copies.
- Edward W. Sweetman, New York, 1967 (facs). 26x40 cm, (3),
62 plates.
- Delius, Klasing & Co, Bielefeld, 1970 (facs). 34x45 cm, 102 pp,
With an extract from Tractat om Skepps-Byggeriet
(1775) translated into German.
The frontispiece of the Stockholm harbour is engraved by
Årre, the rest of the plates were engraved by Chapman's nephew Lars
This is a magnificent collection of plans of merchant ships,
privateers, and pleasure craft comprising:
First Class: Ten draughts of frigate built ships of 1140 to 65 tons with
ship, snow, schooner or sloop rigging;
Second Class: Four draughts of hagboats of 1164 to 548 tons with ship
Third Class: Six draughts of pink built ships of 416 to 52 tons with
ship, snow, brigantine or sloop rigging;
Fourth Class: Ten draughts of cat built ships of 1097 to 43 tons with
ship, snow, brigantine or sloop rigging;
Fifth Class: Ten draughts of bark built ships of 1257 to 41 tons with
ship, snow, brigantine or sloop rigging;
16 draughts of vessels of small draught of water;
Five draughts of packet ships;
Ten draughts of pleasure vessels for sailing;
Eight draughts of pleasure vessels for rowing;
22 draughts of boats, large and small for the use of ships;
13 draughts of privateers;
Eleven draughts of vessels of war;
Nine draughts of merchant ships or vessels;
Two plates of launching and manner of rigging;
The intended text volume was not published until 1775 and with the title
Tractat om Skepps-Byggeriet and was then a work on its own.
Reference: Private Collection; KÖS; SSHM.
- Tal, om de förändringar, som örlogs-skepp
undergått sedan Canoner började på dem nyttjas.
Lars Salvius, Stockholm, 1770. 8vo, (2), 28 pp.
Speach held 25th of July 1770 at the Royal Swedish Academy of Science.
Reference: Private Collection.
- Tractat om Skepps-Byggeriet, tillika med
Förklaring och Bevis öfver Architectura Navalis Mercatoria &c.
- Johan Pfeffer, Stockholm, 1775. 4to, 15.5x12 cm, xvi, 248 pp,
27 plates.
- SSHM, Stockholm, 1959 (facs). Only Chapter 12.
Translated into French in 1779 and again in 1781, but it was
not translated into English until 1820 and possibly also a
Russian edition.
Reference: Private Collection; SSHM; MMK; SMG.
- Kongl. Maj:ts nådiga reglemente, hvarefter
Skeppsmätare, wid förefallande mätningar af handels-skepp och
fartyg, sig hafwa i underdånighet att rätta; gifwit Stockholms
slott d. 11 Martii 1778. Stockholm, 1778. 4to, 2 blad.
Reference: Private Collection.
- Traité de la construction des vaisseaux, avec
une explication ou l'on démontre les principe de l'architecture
navale marchande & des navires armés en course.
- Saillant et Nyon, et Veuve Desaint, Paris, 1779. Folio, viii,
165 pp, 8 tab., 11 plates.
- Slatkine Reprints, Grenoble, 1984 (facs).
One of the 131 volumes making up the Descriptions
des Arts et Metiers published by the l'Academie de
Sciences during 1761-1789.
Transl. by Pierre Charles Lemonnier from the original Swedish
edition from 1775. A second superior translation appeared
in 1781.
Reference: Private Collection.
- Traité de la construction des vaisseaux. Avec
des eclaircissements & demonstraitions touchant l'ouvrage intitule:
Architectura Navalis Mercatoria, etc. Traduit du Suedois. Publie
avec quelques notes et additions pour en rendre la lecture
independante du grand ouvrage en planches du meme auteur,
architectura, etc., mentionne ci-dessus.
- R. Malassis, Brest & Durand et Jombert, Paris, 1781.
4to, 14.5×14 cm, xxv, 3, 219 pp, 20 plates.
- Schiffbautechnische Gesellschaft, Hamburg, 1972 (German
transl.). A4, (8), 214 pp, ill, 27 plates.
Transl. by M. Vial du Clairbois from the original Swedish
edition of 1775. This edition is superior to the first French
edition of 1779.
Reference: Private Collection; Polak 1605.
- Afhandling om rätta sättet at finna
segel-arean til linie-skepp och däraf rundhultens längder.
Kongl. Am:ts Boktryckeriet, Carlskrona, 1793. 4to, 16×13.5 cm,
iv, 48 pp, 2 plates.
Translated into English in 1794 and printed in both the old
and new collection of Papers on Naval
Reference: Private Collection; SMG*; MMK.
- A Treatise concerning the True Method of
finding the Proper Area of the Sails for Ships of the Line, and
from thence the length of masts and yards.
Society for the Improvement of Naval Architecture, London,1794.
8vo, 76 pp.
Translated from the Swedish edition of 1793.
Also published in both the old and new Collection of
Papers on Naval Architecture.
- Physiska Rön, Om det motstånd, kroppar lida,
som föras rätt fram genom Vatnet; anstälde År 1794, i Jun.
Jul. och Augusti Månader.
Lars Salvius, Stockholm, 1795. 8vo, 54 pp, 8 plates.
Originally published in the KVAH vol. XVI, 1795, pp 73-126.
Reference: Private Collection.
- Dimensioner på Wirke och Järn til fem
sorter Linie-Skepp, samt Längd och Tjocklek på Master och
Rundhult, Salningar och Eselhufvun, til Samma skepp af
F.H. af C..
Kongl. Amiralitets Boktryckeriet, Carlskrona, 1796. 8vo, (4),
20 pp, 5 plates.
Reference: MMK; RCA Bibl.
- Grunder till Kännedom af Linie-skepp, För
den Studerande Ungdomen vid Kongl. Krigs-akademien.
Anders Zetterberg, Stockholm, 1796. 8vo, 15.5×12 cm,
(8), 76 pp
Reference: Private Collection; SMG*.
- Om rätta Formen på Skepps-Ankrar.
KVAH vol. XVII, Stockholm, 1796. pp 1-24, 3 plates.
Reference: Private Collection.
- Dimensioner På Wirke och Järn Til Nio sorter
Fregatter och Trenne mindre Bevärade Fartyg, Samt Längd och
tjocklek På Master och Rundhult Salningar och Eselhufvun til
samma Fartyg.
Kongl. Am:ts Boktryckeriet, Carlskrona, 1798. 53 pp, tables.
- Om Spittskammars Canoner.
KVAH vol. XIX, Stockholm, 1798. pp 91-106.
Reference: Private Collection.
- Issledovanie o istinnom sposobe nachodit'
pristoinuyu ploshchad' parusov lineinych korablei . . ...
St. Petersburg, 1799. xviii, 93 pp, 1 plate.
Russian translation by Amos of Afhandling om rätta sättet
at finna segel-arean till linie-skepp . . .., 1794.
Reference: Martinov/RCA Bibl.
- Försök till en Theoretisk afhandling att
gifwa åt linie-skepp deras Rätta Storlek och Form, likaledes
för Fregatter och Bevärade fartyg.
Kongl. Am:ts Boktryckeriet, Carlskrona, 1804.
2 vols, 4to, (3) engr. pp, i-vii, viii.2, (1), ix-xxx,
1-112, 110.2, (1), 113-152, (1) pp &
53×118 cm, 50 plates, some folding.
The printed titlepage gives the date 1804 and the engraved
1806, it is not clear if there were two editions.
Plates no. 1 and 16 are sometimes bound with the text.
In this work Chapman proposes a new theory for the design of
ships, the relaxation theory. However it did not provide the
advantage over the parabolic theory presented in 1775 and
later Chapman returned to the old theory.
The second edition 1806 is probably a reissue of the first
edition with a replacement of the printed titlepage by
an engraved one and the addition of an engraved dedication
and frontispiece. According to Halldin only three copies of
this edition seem to have survived.
Reference: Private Collection; SSHM*; SMG. Halldin, Gustaf:
Johan Törnström. Aktuellt från Marinmuseum, 1968.
- Försök till en Theoretisk afhandling att
gifwa åt linie-skepp deras Rätta Storlek och Form, likaledes
för Fregatter och Bevärade fartyg.
Kongl. Am:ts Boktryckeriet, Carlskrona, 1806 (2. uppl.).
2 vols, 4to, (3) engr. pp, i-vii, viii.2, (1), ix-xxx,
1-112, 110.2, (1), 113-152, (1) pp &
53×118 cm, 50 plates, some folding.
Plate no. 1 and 16 are sometimes bound with the text.
A reissue of the first edition from 1804 with the printed
titlepage replaced by an engraved and an engraved dedication
and frontispiece added.
A variant has the year 1806 printed at the bottom of the last
text page.
Reference: Private Collection.
- A Treatise on Ship-Building, with Explanations
and Demonstrations Respecting the Architectura Navalis
Mercatoria. By Frederick Henry de Chapman knight of the Royal
order of the Sword, chief Ship-builder of the Swedish navy,
and a member of the Royal Academy of Sciences at Stockholm.
Translated into English with explanatory notes, and a few
remarks on the construction of ships of war, by the Rev.
James Inman, D.D. Professor of the Royal Naval College and
School of Naval Architecture in Portsmouth Dockyard.
Printed by J. Smith, sold by Deighton & Sons, Cambridge, 1820.
4to, 18×13 cm,
(2), xvi, 308 pp, ill, 27 in part fold. plates.
Transl. by Rev. J. Inman from Clairbois translation and
compared with the Swedish original of 1775 at every doubtful
passage. "With notes on different parts of the treatise by
the French translator Vial Du Clairbois and other by the
English translator".
Two French translations appeared in 1779 and 1781.
Reference: NMM* (23 plates & 1 table); RCA Bibl.
- Pravila na koich osnovano poznanie o
lineinych korablyach.
Nikolaieff, 1834. vi, 72 pp.
A Russian translation by Sivers of the original Swedish
edition of Grunder till kännedom af linjeskepp,
Reference: Martinov/RCA Bibl.
- Opyt teoreticheskago rassuzhdeniya -
lineinych korablei . . ..
St. Petersburg, 1836. xlii, 166 pp, 17 plates.
A Russian translation by Sivers of
Försök till en theoretisk afhandling att
gifva åt linie-skepp deras rätta storlek och form, 1804.
Reference: RCA Bibl.
- Traité de la construction des
vaisseaux, avec eccaircissemens et démonstrations touchant
l'Architectura Navalis Mercatoria, traduit avec notes et
additions, par Vial du Clairbois.
Paris, 1839. 4to, 220 pp, 20 plates.
A reissue of the second French edition published in Brest
1781 with a new title page and 2 preliminary leaves.
The original Swedish edition was published 1775.
Reference: Sotheran 846:19917A.
- Om rätta sättet, at finna belägenheten af et
Skepps Centrum gravitatis i högden, när det är liggande i vatnet,
med eller utan sin fulla armering; Då man har den ritning
hvarefter Skeppet är bygdt.
KVAH Vol. VIII, Stockholm, 1787. pp 48-53, 1 plate.
Reference: UUB*.
- Theoretisk Afhandling, grundad på Försök,
at gifva Canoner den utvändiga form, at deras styrka på
alla ställen är svarande mot krutets sprängande kraft.
Kongl. Vetenskaps Academiens Nya Handlingar, Stockholm, 1802.
8vo, pp 1-56, (1) p erratum, 4 fold. tables.
Reference: Private Collection.
Updated 1999-06-01 by Lars Bruzelius.
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