William Hutchinson (1715-1801)
Mariner and writer on seamanship. Was sent to sea in his early years as a cabin boy on a small collier and
later served as cook.
Served before the mast in a 32 gun East Indiaman during a voyage to China
in 1738 to 1739.
Served in a Letter of Marque vessel in the West India trade.
The initiative for the establishment of the first life-boat at Formby, one
of the entrances to the Liverpool, sometime before 1776 by the Liverpool
Corporation has been attributed to him.
Records of tides, barometers, weather and wind during the years from 1768
to 1783 [1793?] kept by him are still preserved in the Liverpool Library.
- 1715
- Born at Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
- 1738-1739
- Sailed to Madras and China in an East Indiaman as a "forecastle man".
- 1743
- Served as a Mate on a bomb's tender in the Royal Navy in
Hyères Bay under Mathews and Lestock.
- 1745
- Served in a six gun frigate built ship in the Leghorn trade.
- 1746
- Was in the West Indiaman Perl which had been fitted out as
a privateer and was taken by a French squadron.
- 1748 April
- Captured the French ship St Jean off Malta as master
of the privateer St George. The prize lay in Valetta harbour pending
legal complications until it was sold in the end of 1751 for a fraction of its
orginal value.
- 1750
- Became master of the ex-Royal Navy 20 gun frigate
Lowestoft purchased by Fortunatus Wright and traded to the West Indies and the Mediterranean.
- 1759
- Appointed Head Dock Master and Principal Water Baliff at the
Liverpool Harbour by the Liverpool Corporation.
- 1763
- Lighthouses were built at Hoylake and Leosowe at the initiative
of William Hutchinson and equipped with parabolic reflectors designed by him.
- 1777
- Treatise on Practical Seamanship was published.
- 1794
- A Treatise on Naval Architecture was published.
- 1801 February 11
- Died at the age of eighty-five and was buried in the
churchyard of St Thomas, Liverpool.
- Hutchinson, William: A Treatise on Practical Seamanship; with
Hints and Remarks Relating Thereto: Designed to Contribute
Something towards Fixing Rules upon Philosophical and Rational
Principles; to Make Ships, and the Management of Them; and
also Navigation, in General, more Perfect, and Consequently
less Dangerous and Destructive to Health, Lives, and Property.
Printed for the Author, Liverpool, 1777 (1st). 4to, 20×14 cm,
frontisp., xiv, 213 pp, 10 plates.
Facsimile: Scolar Maritime Press, London, 1979. With a 7 pp
introduction by Morin Scott.
Fourth edition 1794 with the title A Treatise on Naval
References: Private Collection*; Adams; KÖS.
- Hutchinson, William: A Treatise Founded upon Philosophical
and Rational Principles, Towards Establishing Fixed Rules for
the Best Form and Proportional Dimensions in Length, Breadth
and Depth of Merchant's Ships in General; and also the
Management of Them to the Greatest Advantage by Practical
Liverpool, 1781. 4to, ?? pp, frontis., 12 plates.
References: Francis Edwards 733:1430.
- Hutchinson, William: The Second Edition (considerably enlarged)
of a Treatise on Practical Seamanship; with New and
Important Hints and Remarks relating thereto; designed to
contribute something towards fixing rule, upon philosophical
and rational principles
for the Form and Proportional Dimensions in Length, Breadth
and Depth of Merchant Ships in General, and the Management
of them; and also to render Navigation, in general, more
Perfect, and Consequently less Dangerous and Destructive to
Health, Lives and Property. By William Hutchinson, Mariner,
Dock Master at Liverpool. The Second Edition, considerably
enlarged, of A Treatise on Practical Seamanship; with new
and important hints, …
Printed and sold for the Author at all the principal seaports
in Great Britain, (Liverpool), 1787 (2nd). 4to, frontispiece,
xvi, 269 pp, 11 plates (1 folding).
References: Maggs IV; NUC; Adams.
- Hutchinson, William: A Treatise founded upon Philosophical and
Rational Principles, towards establishing fixed Rules,
for the best Form and Proportional Dimensions in Length,
Breadth and Depth of Merchant's Ships in General;
and also the Management of them to the greatest advantage,
by Practical Seamanship; with Important Hints and Remarks
relating thereto; from long approved experience.
Printed by Thomas Billinge, Liverpool, 1791. 4to, 20×13.5 cm,
frontisp., xvi, 290, (2) pp, 12 plates (1 folding).
First edition with the title A Treatise on
Practical Seamanship in 1777.
References: MaB*; Adams; BM; NUC; RCA Bibl.
- Hutchinson, William: A Treatise on Naval Architecture.
Founded upon Philosophical and Rational Principles, Towards
Establishing Fixed Rules for the Best Form and Proportional
Dimensions in Length, Breadth and Depth, of Merchants Ships
in General, and also the Management of them to the greatest
advantage, by Practical Seamanship; with important hints
and remarks relating thereto, especially both for defence
and attacks in war at sea, from long approved experience.
Fourth edition, enlarged and improved.
T. Billinge, Liverpool, 1794 (4th enl.). 4to, 21×14 cm,
frontisp., xvi, 304 pp, 12 plates (1 folding).
Facsimile: Conway Maritime Press, Greenwich, 1970.
The first edition 1777 with the title A Treatise on
Practical Seamanship.
References: Private Collection*; The Mariners' Museum; The Peabody & Essex Museum; Adams.
Updated 1996-08-31 by
Lars Bruzelius
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Copyright © 1996 Lars Bruzelius.