Date. | Lat. | Lon. | Dist. | Dist. | Days. | First Pt. | Middle. | Latter. | Course. |
Feb. 25 | 40.06 | 68.48 | -- | -- | 1 | W.N.W. | N.W. | W.N.W. | E.½S. |
26 | 41.06 | 64.09 | 210 | 442 | 2 | W.N.W. | N.W. | N.W. | E. by N. |
27 | 42.23 | 60.08 | 194 | 636 | 3 | N.N.W. | N. | N. by E. | E.N.E. |
... | |||||||||
Mar. 1 | 45.23 | 48.26 | 296 | 1,186 | 5 | N.N.W. | N. | N.W. | E.N.E. |
... | |||||||||
7 | 50.38 | 15.06 | 342 | 2,647 | 11 | W. | N.W. | N.W. | E.S.E |
... | |||||||||
10 | 50.03 | 3.42 | 223 | 3,146 | 14 | W. | N. | N.N.E. | E.½N. |
11 | 50.27 | 1.28 | 95 | 3,241 | 15 | N.E. | Calm. | Calm. | E. by S. |
On the 12th anchored in the Downs at 3 P.M., having sailed 3,241 miles. We had no observation of the sun for latitude until March 8. We made the land 12 days from New York. The passage has been a rough one indeed. We made 342 miles in 22 hours, and then had to bring the ship to, on account of thick weather and proximity to land. The ship behaves nobly, and can easily make 400 miles in 24 hours. We were 13 days to Scilly, since that time light winds and calms. We laid by all of the day Sunday, 11th inst., about 12 miles from Isle of Wight; weather thick and foggy. The ship is tight and strong, and the best ship at sea I was ever in.
You would hardly know that you were at sea in a heavy sea; she moves along easily, making no fuss, in fact, splendidly, and steers like a boat in a pond; a boy can steer her easily.
Capt. J. Limeburner.
The Great Republic, which arrived at Gravesend 15th, would probably lie off Bosherville for some days, waiting for the spring tides, when she would go higher up the river and discharge into lighters, as none of the entrances of the docks are wide enough to admit her.
Transcribed by Lars Bruzelius.
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Copyright © 1996 Lars Bruzelius.