SCURVY. Page 437, col. 1, after line 57, add,
Upon long cruises or voyages, when there is not a sufficiency of lemon-juice for the whole of the ship's company, the surgeon, in his inspection of the men from time to time, is to endeavour to ascertain whether any of them have obscure symptoms of sea scurvy, too slight for them to withdraw from duty, and to be put on the sick-list; and also to enquire what men have subsisted longest on salted provisions, and making out a list of such men, he is to present it to the captain, in order that he may give directions for their being supplied, in preference, with the usual allowance of lemon-juice and sugar, put into the purser's charge for that purpose. See Naval Instructions.
Transcribed by Lars Bruzelius
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Copyright © 1996 Lars Bruzelius.