Telephone: +34 3 301 1871; +34 3 318 3245
Telefax: +34 3 318 7876.
WWW: [In Catalan]"> [In Spanish]
Opening hours: Wednesday-Saturday, Monday 09:30-13:00 and 16:00-19:00; Sunday 10:00-14:00.
The Museo Maritim is located on the Barcelona waterfront in a 13th century arsenal that was used as a boathouse for galleys. It is considered one of the most important civilian gothic buildings in the world. The waterfront is alive with ships and boats of all kinds.
There is a reconstructed galley in the museum.
Telephone: +34 68101166; +34 68508415
Telefax: +34 68529692
Opening hours: Tuesday-Sunday 10:00-15:00.
Telephone: +34 68502811
Opening hours: Wednesday-Sunday 10:00-13:00 and 16:00-18:00.
Telephone: +34 81336000
Opening hours: 08:30-13:30
Telephone: +34 221 0419
Opening hours: daily except Saturday, 10:30-13:30.
The national museum for the Spanish Navy illustrating its history from the Great Armada to the Battle of Trafalgar through paintings and models.
Telephone: +34 56599052
Opening hours: Monday-Friday to be arranged for groups; Saturday and Sunday 10:30-13:30.
Set up in an old neoclassic building, the former Navy School. Close to the museum is the Pantheon, where the most illustrious officers of the Spanish Navy were buried.
Opening hours: July—September, Monday-Sunday 11:00-13:00 and 16:00-17:00; October—June, Monday-Saturday 10:00-13:00 and 16:00-18:00, Sunday and Holidays 11:00-14:00.
Telephone: +34 54222419.
Opening hours: Tuesday-Friday, 10:00-14:00; Saturday-Sunday, 11:00-14:00.
Set up in an old Arab watchtower, the Torre del Oro.
Updated 2001-01-18 by Lars Bruzelius
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Copyright © 1996 Lars Bruzelius.