Maritime and Naval Museums: South Carolina, USA


Charles Towne Landing

1500 Old Towne Rd.,
Charlestown, SC 29407-6099.

Telephone: +1 803 556 4450

Opening hours: daily 09:00-17:00; Closed Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

Museum ship: Adventure, reconstruction of a 17th century ketch.


Patriot's Point Naval and Maritime Museum

P.O. Box 986,
Mt Pleasant, SC 29465.

Telephone: +1 803 884 2727

Opening hours: April-October, daily 09:00-17:00; November-March, 09:00-18:00.

Museum ships:

Calls itself the World's Largest Naval Museum. NS Savannah was the first nuclear powered commercial vessel ever built. The US Coat Guard cutters served in Atlantic in WWII on U-boat patrol.

Updated 1996-09-01 by Lars Bruzelius

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Copyright © 1996 Lars Bruzelius.