The New Ship Neptune's Favorite. -- This is a noble freighting ship of 1300 tons register, with sharper end even than the general run of European packets, and yet fuller than those of a medium clipper. She combines large capacity, with every element of fair sailing. She is 195 feet long, has 40 feet extreme breadth of beam, and 24 feet depth of hold. Her bow rakes gently as it rises, and it is ornamented with a full female figure, blended with the cutwater, for the ship has neither head nor trail-boards, but is finished like a clipper. Her stern is semi-elliptical, and is very snug and tastefully ornamented. All her accommodations are on the upper deck, and are the same as those of a first class clipper. The ship, herself, has an excellent white oak frame, white oak knees, hooks and stanchions, -- is ceiled and planked with hard pine, square fastened, and butt and bilge bolted with copper. She is fitted aloft in superior style. Her fore and main masts and bowsprit are built of hard pine dowelled, bolted, and hooped over all with iron, and her rigging is of Russia hemp, fitted quite neatly. Her masts are white, and yards black.
She is considered by competent judges, as second to no ship of her class belonging to Boston. She was built at Chelsea, by Mr. Jotham Stetson, and is owned by Messrs. H.A. Kelly, E.R. Mudge, and A.A. Frazar, of this city, and will be commanded by Capt. Oliver J. Lane, formerly of the ship Victory, and one of the best sailors afloat. By his skill and perseverance, he gave the Victory, though a full modelled vessel, a clipper reputation for speed, and we have no doubt he will do the same with the Neptune�s Favorite. She now lies at the end of Long wharf, and will sail soon for St. John, N.B., to load for Liverpool, and thence to China. We advice our nautical friends to call and see her.
Boston Daily Atlas, 1854, June 21.
Transcribed by Lars Bruzelius
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The Boston Daily Atlas.
Copyright © 1999 Lars Bruzelius.