Emerson's Ventilators. -- We have received a letter from Capt. Thos. Cunningham, of the new clipper ship Ocean Express, in which, he says, that although his ship has not Emerson's Ventilators, she has other ventilators in their stead. In our sketch of his ship, we remarked that we did not consider a ship complete without Emerson's Ventilators, and this opinion has been formed by the reports of every captain who has tried them. A few months since, we inspected a ship which had returned from a voyage around the globe, by the way of San Francisco and China. She had not Emerson's Ventilators, and although a new vessel, the paint in her between decks was as blue as a Maltese cat, caused by the foul air generated by bilge water. On the other hand, those who wish now to see the effect of Emerson's Ventilators, can be satisfied by inspecting the clipper ship Flying Fish, lying at the end of Lewis wharf. She has been three voyages around the globe, by the way of California and Manila, and her hold is as pure and clean as a Dutchman's parlor. Nearly every new ship of any note has Emerson's Ventilators, not because they are the cheapest, but because, thus far, they have proved the best. The ventilators in the Ocean Express may prove to be as good as, and in that case, she will be as complete in ventilation as could be desired.
Boston Daily Atlas, 1854, August 18.
Transcribed by Lars Bruzelius
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The Boston Daily Atlas.
Copyright © 1999 Lars Bruzelius.