EVERY Man to be allowed daily Provisions, as follows, viz.

Sunday. One Pound of Biscuit, one Gallon of Small Beer, one Pound of Pork, and half a Pint of Pease.

Monday. One Pound of Biscuit, one Gallon of Small Beer, one Pint of Oatmeal, two Ounces of Butter, and four Ounces of Cheese.

Tuesday. One Pound of Biscuit, one Gallon of Small Beer, and two Pounds of Beef.

Wednesday. One Pound of Biscuit, one Gallon of Small Beer, half a Pint of Pease, a Pint of Oatmeal, two Ounces of Butter, and four Ounces of Cheese.

Thursday. The same as Sunday.

Friday. The same as Wednesday.

Saturday. The same as Tuesday.

Hence the full Weekly Allowance per Man (besides fresh Fish caught, and distributed without any Deduction for the same) is, viz.

Seven Pound of Biscuit, One Quart of Pease,
Seven Gallons of Beer, Three Pints of Oatmeal,
Two Pounds of Port, Siz Ounces of Butter,
Four Pounds of Beef, Twelve Ounces of Cheese.

2. Captains may shorten this Allowance, if Necessity require it, taking due care that the Men be paid for the Deficiency; nor is any Officer to have whole Allowance while the Company is at short.

3. In Foreign Voyages, some of the above Species may be changed, that is, half a Pint of Brandy, Rum, or Arrack, for a Gallon of Beer; four Pounds of Flour, sometimes three Pounds, with a Pound of Raisins, of half a Pound of Currants, with half a Pound of Beef Suet Pickled, are equal to a four Pound Piece of Beef, or two Pound Piece of Port with Pease; half a Pound of Rice for a Pint of Oatmeal; a Pint of Olive Oil for a Pound of Butter, or two Pounds of Suffolk Cheese; two thirds of a Pound of Cheshire Cheese for a Pound of Suffolk.

4. Beef is to be cut into four Pound Pieces, and Port into two, and every Cask is to have the Contents thereof marked on the Head.

5. Every Twenty-eight Pieces of Beef cut for four Pound Pieces, taken out as they rise, and the Salt shaken off, are to weigh one hundred Pounds, Avoirdupois, and every fifty-six Pieces of Pork, one hundred and four Pounds.

6. If there be a Want of Port, the Captain may order three Pounds of Beef to be given out in lieu of two Pounds of Pork.

7. One Day in every Week, there shall be issused out a Proportion of Flour and Suet in lieu of Beef, but this is not to extend beyond four Months Victualling at one Time.

8. Only three Months Butter and Cheese shall be supplied for Foreign Voyages, the Remainder to be made up in Olive Oil.

9. One Tun of Iron Bound Cask for Water, and a Bundle of Wooden Hoops, is allowed for every hundred Men per Month, in Home Voyages; but in Foreign Voyages, such farther Quantity as shall be thought necessary.

10. In Home Voyages, half the Proportion of Beer is to be caontained in Iron-bound Cask, but in Foreign Voyages three-fourths; and every Cask is to have the Contents marked on the Head in Gallons, Winchester Measure.

11. To prevent the buying of Cask Abroad; all Cask (in Foreign Voyages) are to be new.

12. Provisions (if Necessity require it) may be supplied by Order of the Commander in Chief, to the Agent; and in urgent Cases, a Captain by his Warrant may supply the same.

13. Victualling Vessels consigned to one Ship, may not be stopt by a Captain belonging to another, to take any Part of her Loading; they are also to be unladen with Dispatch, and sent away.

14. Provisions are to be sent on Board without Charge to the Purser; and the Masters of such Vessels, are to see the same delivered into the Slings of the Ship they are consigned to, by careful Men; and must also deliver to the Captain, a proper and perfect Bill of Lading.

15. If any Provisions slip out of the Slings, or are damaged through Carelessness, the Captain is to Charge the Value against the Wages of the Offender.

16. No provisions are to be reused, until the Captain or Commanding Officer shall cause the same to be surveyed; and if they then appear unfit for Use, he is to return them, together with the Original Survey.

17. Provisions are frequently to be inspected (in Foreign Voyages) and all proper Care taken for the Preservation thereof.

18. Provisions spared to another Ship in due Form, is to be made good by a new Supply from the Agent at the next Port, upon producing the proper Order.

19. Fresh Meat is to be allowed twice a Week (when it can be conveniently done) instead of slat meat; three Pounds of Mutton accounted for a four Pound Piece of Beef, or a two Pound Piece of Pork with Pease.

20. Prize Provisions may be issued to His Majesty's Ships, if in Want, (and those good in their Kind) a Survey being first regularly made; but this is not to be done whilst any of the Ship's Provisions of the same Species are remaining.

William Mountaine: The Seaman's Vade-Mecum, and Defensive War by Sea: containing the Proportions of Rigging, Masts and Yards Weight of Anchors, Sizes and Weight of Cables and Cordage, List of the Navy. The Exercise of the Small Arms, Bayonet, Granadoes and Great-Guns, Duty of Officers, &c. also Shewing how to prepare a Merchant-Ship for a close Fight. Chasing; … Defensive-Fighting; … Naval Fortification; … An Essay on Naval Book-keeping; …
W. and J. Mount & T. and T. Page, London, 1756.

Transcribed by Lars Bruzelius

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