Chappelling. — This operation is performed when, instead of coming to, you are taken aback in light winds. Put the helm up, if she has headway, haul up the mainsail and spanker, and square the after yards. Shift the helm as she gathers sternway, and when the after sails fill, and she gathers headway, shift your helm again. When she brings the wind aft, brace up the after yards, get the main tack down and sheet aft, and haul out the spanker as soon as it will take. The head braces are not touched, but the yards remain braced as before. The former mode of wearing, by squaring the headyards when the after sails are full, has great advantages over chappelling, as the vessel will go off faster when the wind is abeam and abaft, and will come quicker when the wind gets on the other side.
Richard Henry Dana: The Seaman's Friend; Containing a
Treatise on Practical Seamanship, with Plates; A Dictionary
on Sea Terms; Customs and Usages of the Merchant Service;
Laws Relating to the Practical Duties of Master and Mariners.
Thomas Groom & Co, Boston, 1845 (4th). 8vo, 16×9 cm,
viii, (4), 13-223 pp, 5 plates.
Transcribed by
Lars Bruzelius
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Seamanship |
Copyright © 1996 Lars Bruzelius.