A Man overboard*— The moment the cry is heard, put the helm down and bring her up into the wind, whether she is on the wind or free, and deaden her headway. Throw overboard instantly life buoys, or, if there are none at hand, take a grating, the carpenter's bench, or any piece of plank or loose spars there may be about decks; and let two or three hands clear away a quarter boat. The best plan is, if the vessel was on the wind, to haul the mainsail up and brace aback the after yards and raise the head sheets; then having ber main yard aback, she will drift down directly toward the man. Keep your head sails full to steady her, while the after ones stop her headway.

If you are sailing free, with studdingsails set, clew up the lower studdingsail, brace up the head yards, haul forward the fore tack, and keep the head yards full, while you luff up to back the after ones. Lower away the boat as soon as it is safe, and, as the vessel will have turned nearly round, direct the boat with reference to her position when the accident happened and her progress since.

*) See Totten's Naval Text Book, Letter XX.

Richard Henry Dana: The Seaman's Friend, Containing a Treatise on Practical Seamanship, with Plates; A Dictionary on Sea Terms; Customs and Usages of the Merchant Service; Laws Relating to the Practical Duties of Master and Mariners.
Thomas Groom & Co, Boston, 1845 (4th).

Transcribed by Lars Bruzelius

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