Club-hauling is executed in the following manner. Have all ready for going about, and hands placed by the lee bower anchor, with every thing quite ready to bring the ship up with the scope of cable you think will be requisite, proceed to tack the ship, and if she make a stand before she comes head to wind, let go the anchor. When the ship is head to wind, haul the after-yards, and slip the instant you are certain of her casting the right way. When the wind is nearly abeam, haul the head yards. A ship may perhaps be placed in the same situation as to the land, with the wind moderate, and the swell sufficient to make it doubtful whether she will tack, or not; in such a situation a kedge might be sufficient to insure the tacking of the ship. Club-hauling on many occasions, might be made most useful to steamers when in a narrow channel, or in a blowing weather on a lee shore, and owing to their great length cannot otherwise be brought around. In such a case, when the steamer comes head to wind, her anchor might be saved with care and attention, as she would then have her full propelling power in the right direction, namely head to wind and right off from the danger.
Transcribed by Lars Bruzelius
Sj�historiska Samfundet | The Maritime History Virtual Archives.
Copyright © 1998 Lars Bruzelius.