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Section 7. The garboard strakes not to be less than two-thirds the depth of keel prescribed in Table H, and properly rabbeted into it, to be fitted closely to the iron keel plate, and to be of sufficient width. The butts of the garboard strake to have not less than four feet six inches shift from the butts of the garboard strake on the opposite side of the vessel, nor less than the same shift clear of the keel scarphs. (For bolting, see Section 33.)
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Section 33. I. The bolts to be not less than the sizes given in Table K; the garboard strakes to be cross-bolted from side to side, with bolts not exceeding four feet six inches apart.
2. The wood keel to have a vertical bolt through the keel plate between each frame. The stem, stern-post, deadwood, and remainder of the keel, to be through fastened in all cases, and the bolts spaced as in the keel.
3. The screw-pointed bolts for fastening the planking, when less than five inches thick, to be of such form under the heads as will prevent them from turning; their heads to be once and three-quarters the diameter of the bolts, and two-fifths their diameter in thickness; the nuts in all cases to be of the same description of metal as the bolts they are applied to, and to be in thickness equal to their diameter, and not to have less substance than three-eighths of the diameter of the bolts in any part, whatever the form may be, hexagon form being preferred.
4. All outside planks ten inches broad and above, to be double fastened; eight inches and a half and under ten inches, double and single fastened alternately; and under eight and a half inches single fastened; and all butts to be double fastened.
5. The bolt holes in the outside planking to be enlarged with a dowelling machine for the bolt heads, which in the bottom up to within one fifth the depth of hold set down below the upper deck stringer plate, are to be sunk within the surface of the planking one inch and a quarter, when dowels are intended to be used; from thence to the planksheer they need not be sunk more than three-quarters of an inch; the bolts to be properly driven with oakum and white lead, putty, marine glue, or other suitable composition under their heads, and in the bottom they are to be carefully covered (after the seams in the bottom are all caulked) with turned well-seasoned wood dowels, the fibre of which must be in the same direction as the planking, and be driven with white lead, marine glue, or any other approved composition. Where copper or yellow metal bolts are used, the sinking of them within the surface of the planking to be optimal to the above extent.
Transcribed by Lars Bruzelius
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Copyright © 2002 Lars Bruzelius.