17th Century Navy Board Style Models
A special style of ship model building was developed in England during
first part of the 17th century.
This style is alternatively called Admiralty models,
Dockyard models, or Navy Board models.
In this catalogue the term Navy Board style model has been
1650 English Fourth Rate
- Model:
- c1650 English Fourth Rate, 56 guns.
- Location:
- Henry Huddleston Rogers Collection, Annapolis.
- Scale:
- 1:48
- History:
- Formerly in the collection of J. Seymour Lucas.
- Photographs:
- Culver (1926), pl 10 (starboard side).
- Bibliography:
- Catalogue of the Henry Huddleston Rogers
Collection of Ship Models, No. 107.
- Sumrall, Robert F.: A Commonwealth Model.
MM Vol. 66, pp 50-52.
- Waite, A.H.: A Commonwealth Shipmodel.
MM Vol. 66, pp 157.
Much restored Navy Board style model with modern rigging.
Originally unplanked only below the lower wales.
The model has a lion figurehead and a figure of Justice with sword and
balance on the stern.
1652 English Fourth Rate
- Model:
- c1652 English Fourth Rate of 56 guns.
- Location:
- Henry Huddleston Rogers Collection, Annapolis.
- Scale:
- 5/16":1'; c 1:38
- History:
- Formerly in the collection of J. Seymour Lucas.
- Photographs:
- Culver (1926), pl 68 (starboard broadside), 69a
(stern) & 69b (bow).
- Bibliography:
- Catalogue of the Henry Huddleston Rogers
Collection of Ship Models, No. 50.
The original unrigged Navy Board style model was too worm eaten to be restored.
The present rigged model is a modern copy made by Mr Henry B. Culver of
pear wood using most of the original gilded carvings.
1655 Ship of 50 guns
- Model:
- c1655 Ship of 50-58 guns.
- Location:
- National Maritime Museum, Greenwich. Inv. no. 1655-1.
- Scale:
- 1:48
- Dimensions:
- 148'×34'; Keel to touch: 120'.
- History:
- Originally from the Dartmouth Castle, Devon.
- Bought by R.C. Anderson from a dealer in 1926 and presented to the
Museum in 1935.
- Photographs:
- Negative: 108:03-05, 170:00-04.
- MM (1928), p 360.
- Annual Report of the SNR for 1935, plate 15.
- Sailing Ships, vol. II, plate 6.
- NMM: 1202 (broadside), A2155 (bow), A2156 (quarter),
C249* (starboard side).
- Stevens (1949), plate 5a (port broadside), plate 5b (port quarter),
plate 6a (deck, bird's view), plate 6b (port bow).
- Bibliography:
- Franklin, John: Navy Board Models, pp 64-67.
- National Maritime Museum Catalogue of Ship Models, pp 13.
- Anderson, R.C.: Notes on a Collection of Ship Models.
Mariner's Mirror Vol. 28, 1942.
- Anderson, R.C.: An Early English Scale-Model.
Mariner's Mirror Vol. 15, 1929.
This Navy Board style model, which is entirely unplanked, is the oldest
model of this kind in the National Maritime Museum.
1655 Naseby
- Model:
- 1655 Naseby.
- Location:
- Statens Sjöhistoriska Museum, Stockholm. Inv. No. Ö 3.
- Scale:
- 1:48
- History:
- The Master Shipwright Francis Sheldon, who was
involved in building the Naseby, is believed to have brought this model
with him when he came to Sweden in 1659.
- Found swept in an old Swedish flag in a loft above the
Modellkammaren in Karlskrona around 1895.
When found the model was damaged and in three pieces.
Subsequently restored by Rear-Admiral Jacob Hägg.
Missing parts has been reconstructed in a lighter coloured wood.
- Photographs:
- Culver (1926), plate 6 (starboard side).
- Sjöhistorisk Årsbok 1988-1989, pp 66 (stern, head &
starboard side).
- Stevens (1949), plate 7a (stern), plate 7b (starboard quarter gallery).
- Svenskt Skeppsbyggeri fig. 146A (starboard bow),
fig 146B (stern).
- Bibliography:
- Anderson, R.C.: An English Model at
Stockholm. The Mariner's Mirror vol. 10, pp 216-218, ill.
- Svensson, Sam: Identifiering av några fartygsmodeller i
Sjöhistoriska Museet.
Sjöhistorisk Årsbok 1959-1960, pp 95-113, ill.
- Glete, pp ??-??.
An unrigged Navy Board style model which is entirely unplanked.
An excellent set of lines taken off the model by Harald Åkermark is
available from the museum.
The model was formerly believed to be the Naseby but
Sam Svensson has shown that the model does not agree with the known
dimensions of that ship.
Sheldon was involved in building the Naseby.
1660 Ship of 50 guns
- Model:
- c1660 Ship of 50 guns.
- Location:
- National Maritime Museum, Greenwich. Inv. no. 1660-1.
- Scale:
- 1:24
- Dimensions:
- 115'×31'
- History:
- Caird Collection, 1935.
- Photographs:
- Neg 108:02.
- NMM: B9983* (port bow), A409 (bow), A410 (quarter), A755 (stern).
- Bibliography:
- National Maritime Museum Catalogue of
Ship Models, pp 16.
The crowned lion figurehead and the Royal Arms date the model to after
Rigged by the Museum in 1939.
1660 Ship of 40-44 guns
- Model:
- c1660 Ship of 40-44 guns.
- Location:
- National Maritime Museum, Greenwich. Inv. no. 1660-2.
- Scale:
- 1:48
- Dimensions:
- 122'×31'
- History:
- Previously in the Royal Naval Museum.
- Photographs:
- Neg 108:37.
- Culver (1926), plate 9 (starboard broadside).
- NMM: 9262* (starboard broadside), 9263 (stern).
- Bibliography:
- National Maritime Museum Catalogue of Ship Models, pp 17.
An unrigged Navy Board style model.
Although the name Bristol 1666 appears on the stern the model
cannot be identified with any ship of that name.
There are 18 sweep-ports between the lower deck gunports.
1660 English Fifth Rate of 36-40 guns
- Model:
- c1660 English Fifth Rate of 36-40 guns.
- Location:
- National Maritime Museum, Greenwich.
- Scale:
- 1:48
- Bibliography:
- Franklin, John: Navy Board Models, pp 68-71.
- Not mentioned in National Maritime Museum Catalogue of Ship
A Navy Board style model.
Built on a different principle than the ordinary Navy Board style
with complete double frames and with every other frame pair omitted.
The name Sherness is carved on the stern but the model cannot be
identified with any ship bearing that name.
The figurehead is missing as is the taffarel.
1660-1685 English Fifth Rate of 34 guns
- Model:
- 1660-1685 English Fifth Rate of 34 guns.
- Location:
- Kriegstein Collection.
- Scale:
- 1:48
- Bibliography:
- Franklin, John: Navy Board Models, pp 85-88.
1660 English Yacht
- Model:
- c1660 English Royal &q. Yacht.
- Location:
- Henry Huddleston Rogers Collection, Annapolis.
- Scale:
- 1:32
- Dimensions:
- History:
- Previously in the Charles Sergison Collection at
Chuckfield Park, Surrey.
- Bought by Col. H.H. Rodgers, New York, in c1920.
- Bibliography:
- Catalogue of the Henry Huddleston Rogers
- Photographs:
- Culver (1926), plate 31 (starboard quarter).
Collection of Ship Models,
No. 15.
An unrigged Navy Board style model made of pear wood.
Although furnished with four port wreaths a side, no gun ports have
been cut in the frames.
1665 English Fifth Rate
- Model:
- c1665-1670 English Fifth Rate of 34 Guns.
- Location:
- Kriegstein Collection.
- Scale:
- 1:48
- Dimensions:
- 116'0"×28'0"; keel (touch): 103'0"
- History:
- Belonged once to Vice Admiral Robert Fairfax
- Photographs:
- Franklin, pl 42 (starboard broadside), pl 43 (head),
pl 44 (main channel), pl 45 (stern), pl 47 (waist), pl 48 (port quarter
- Bibliography:
- Franklin, pp 85-88.
Navy Board style model with the monogram of Charles II on the taffarel.
1666 Loyal London
- Model:
- 1666 Loyal London, English Second Rate of 96
- Location:
- (Trinity House, London).
- Scale:
- 1:36
- Dimensions:
- 127'(length of keel)×41'8"×17'
- Photographs:
- Culver (1926), plate 5a (starboard bow) & 5b (stern).
- Fox (1980), p 76 (starboard bow); p 77 (stern).
- History:
- Ordered to be built by the Trinity House, London,
in 1672.
Destroyed by enemy action in December 1940.
A modern copy is located in the Science Museum, London.
- Photographs:
- Science Museum: 311/51 (broadside); 312/51 (port bow)*;
313/51 (quarter); 314/51 (stern); Plate II:VI*.
- Bibliography:
- Sailing Ships, No. 47, p 28.
- Chaplin, W.R.: The Trinity House Ship Models.
The American Neptune, Vol. IV, Salem, 1944. pp 261-268, 8 plates.
- Anderson, R.C.: The Trinity House Ship Models.
The American Neptune Vol. 5, Salem, 1945. pp 146.
A rigged Navy Board style model
which was entirely unplanked.
The framing below the waterline did not follow the usual Navy Board
model pattern but were doubled with equal spaces in between.
1669 St. Michael
- Model:
- 1669 St. Michael, English Second Rate of
90-98 guns.
- Location:
- National Maritime Museum, Greenwich. Inv. no. 1669-1.
- Scale:
- 1:48
- Dimensions:
- 155'×41'
- History:
- Caird Collection, 1939.
- Photographs:
- SNR Annual Report 1938, pl II (beakhead),
pl XVI (stern), pl XXIII (port broadside).
- SNR Annual Report 19??, pl 28 (stern),
- NMM: B1264 (broadside), B1267 (bow), B1266* (port quarter).
- Science Museum 5572 (port broadside) = NRJ Vol. 28, p 40;
5573 (port quarter) = NRJ Vol. 28, p 148.
- Laver II, pp 55 (forcastle bulkhead).
- Neg 108:06-17.
- Bibliography:
- Franklin, John: Navy Board Models, pp 72-77.
- National Maritime Museum Catalogue of Ship Models, pp 20.
- Anderson, R.C.: A Model of St Michael of 1669.
The Mariner's Mirror vol. 16, pp 280-281, 5 plates.
A Navy Board style model with modern rigging added in about 1930.
Identified by reference to several drawings of the ship by Willem van de
1670 Prince
- Model:
- 1670 Prince, English First Rate of 100 guns.
- Location:
- Science Museum, London. Inv. No. 1895-56.
- Scale:
- 1:48
- Dimensions:
- 131' (length of keel)×45'8"×19'
- History:
- Bought by the Science Museum in 1895.
- Photographs:
- Neg 79:25-29, Neg 105:02-04, Neg 105:13-17.
- Chatterton (1923), plate 34.
- Culver (1926), plate 12 (starboard broadside, with the first rigging).
- Science Museum 3665 (port bow) = NRJ Vol. 28, p 149;
3666* (starboard broadside), 4122 (stern), 3664* (quarter),
268/38 (beakhead).
- 498/9-55, 101/7-56, 788-66, 646/9-68.
- Stevens (1949), plate 8a (stern), 8b (quarter gallery).
- Laver II, p 50 (starboard bow); p 54 (port entry port).
- Bibliography:
- Sailing Ships, No. 50, p 29-30.
A Navy Board style model which was unrigged
when it was bought by the Science Museum in 1895.
Three years later it was re-rigged in an unsatisfactory way, the model has
subsequently been re-rigged correctly.
The central part of the rail at the break of the quarter deck is
missing and there seems to be no evidence that it was ever fitted.
There is a set of lines at the Science Museum taken from the original
model in 1938.
Once believed to be the Royal Charles of 1672.
1670 Three-decker
- Model:
- 1670 Three-decker.
- Location:
- (Trinity House, London).
- Scale:
- History:
- Destroyed during World War II.
1670 English Second rate
- Model:
- c1670 English Second Rate ship of 94 guns.
- Location:
- National Maritime Museum, Greenwich. Inv. no. 1670-1.
- Scale:
- c 1:54
- Dimensions:
- 163'×44'
- History:
- Formerly in the Mercury Collection.
- Caird Collection, 1929.
- Photographs:
- SNR Annual Report 19??, pl 4 (beakhead bulkhead),
pl 7 (figurehead).
- NMM: B9540* (starboard side), 1978 (broadside), B5342 (bow),
B5342 (quarter).
- Neg 108:36.
- Bibliography:
- Franklin, John: Navy Board Models, pp 78-84.
- National Maritime Museum Catalogue of Ship Models, pp 21.
An unrigged Navy Board style model. The model, which is fitted with triple lower wales, corresponds closely with the rigging plan in Deane's Doctrines.
The quarter galleries and the stern are unfinished and most decoration
1670 English fireship
- Model:
- c1670 English Fireship, 24 guns.
- Location:
- Henry Huddleston Rogers Collection, Annapolis.
- Scale:
- 1:48
- History:
- Formerly in the Collins Collection.
- Bibliography:
- Catalogue of the Henry Huddleston Rogers
Collection of Ship Models, No. 42.
Several features of the model suggest that it illustrates a fireship
at a later date than 1670.
- A steering wheel on the quarter deck behind the mizzen mast suggest
a date after 1710.
- Chain wales above the upper deck ports suggest a date after 1745.
- If the model has compound wales it must be later than 1715.
1671 Navy
- Model:
- 1671 Navy, Royal Yacht.
- Location:
- Henry Huddleston Rogers Collection, Annapolis.
- Scale:
- 1:48
- History:
- Formerly in the Charles Sergison Collection at
Chuckfield Park.
- Photographs:
- Chatterton (1923), plate 60-61.
- Culver (1926), plate 16a (port bow) & 16b (stern).
- Nance (1949), plate 44.
- Bibliography:
- Catalogue of the Henry Huddleston Rogers
Collection of Ship Models, No. 4.
A rigged Navy Board style model.
1671 Royal James
- Model:
- 1671 Royal James, English First Rate of 100
- Location:
- Returned to the owner in the 1960s.
- Scale:
- History:
- Formerly in the Museum of Royal United Service
- Photographs:
- Culver, (1926), plate 13 (port broadside).
- Nance (1949), plate 32.
- Fox (1980), pl 129 (port broadside); pl 130 (port bow).
An unrigged Navy Board style model which is badly worm eaten and
has lost most of its decorations.
The figurehead is a man mounted on horseback wearing a victor's wreath
about his head.
Formerly known as the Ablemare of 1680 but is now thought to be a
preliminary design for the Royal James of 1675.
1675 English First Rate
- Model:
- c1675 English First Rate ship of 106 guns.
- Location:
- Private collection of the Earl of Sandwich.
- Scale:
- c 1:60
- Dimensions:
- History:
- Photographs:
- Culver (1926), plate 15 (port broadside).
- Bibliography:
An unrigged Navy Board style model.
The lion figurehead is unusual for a First Rate of the 17th century.
Similar in appearance to the Royal James of 1675.
1675 English Second Rate
- Model:
- c1675 English Second Rate ship of 90 guns.
- Location:
- National Maritime Museum, Greenwich. Inv. no. 1675-1.
- Scale:
- 1:48
- Dimensions:
- 158'×42'
- History:
- Bought by R.C. Anderson in Cambridge in 1913 from a
dealer and sold to the museum in 1933.
- Caird Collection, 1933.
- Photographs:
- Neg 108:18-27.
- NMM: 1764 (broadside), 1980* (quarter), A261 (deck).
- Culver (1926), plate 14 (port side).
- Nance, plate 30.
- The Mariner's Mirror 1928, p 178 (drawing of stern).
- The Sailing Ship, p 154 (drawing of the quarter gallery).
- Bibliography:
- National Maritime Museum Catalogue of
Ship Models, pp 22.
A Navy Board style model of a three-decker planked from the wales and
The figurehead is similar to that of the St Michael of 1669 but does
not represent that ship.
Restored and rerigged in 1929 by R.C. Anderson.
The lower masts and tops are probably original.
1676 Charles Galley
- Model:
- 1676 Charles Galley.
- Location:
- Pitt-Rivers Museum, Oxford.
- Scale:
1676 English Second Rate
- Model:
- c1676 English Second Rate, 90 guns.
- Location:
- New York Yacht Club.
- Scale:
- c 1:54
- History:
- Presented to the New York Yacht Club in 1900 by
J. Pierpont Morgan, Esq.
- Photographs:
- The Mariner's Mirror Vol. 7 (1921), p 240
(starboard broad side; starboard quarter; starboard bow).
- Chatterton (1923), plate 46.
- Culver (1926), plate 22 (starboard broadside).
- Bibliography:
- Anderson, R.C.: The New York Yacht Club
Mariner's Mirror Vol. 7, London, 1921. pp 382-383.
- Anderson, R.C.: The New York Yacht Club Model.
Mariner's Mirror Vol. 14, London, 1928. pp 168-169.
A Navy Board style model with
modern rigging which is not satisfactory done.
The stern bears the cypher "C.R.".
1678 Hampton Court
- Model:
- 1678 Hampton Court, English Third Rate, 70
- Location:
- Wilton House, Wiltshire.
- Scale:
- 1:48
- Dimensions:
- 150'9"×40'0"×17'3"
- History:
- Probably built in 1692 by John Shish for the Earl of
Pembroke at the end of his term as First Lord of the Admiralty.
- Photographs:
- Franklin, pl 48 (starboard broadside);
pl 49 (starboard head);pl 50 (quarter stern);
- Bibliography:
- Anderson, R.C.: A Model of 1692.
The Mariner's Mirror Vol. 52 (1966).
- Franklin, John: Navy Board Models, pp 89-94.
- Meischl, W. & Albert, A.: Rekonstruktion des
englischen Linienschiffes Hampton Court aus dem Jahre 1678.
Das historische Schiff als Modell. Band 2, Herford, 1987. pp 11-22, ill.
A Navy Board style model with contemporary rigging made almost
entirely of pear wood.
The broad stake between the upper and lower wales is made of walnut.
The upper deck is completely planked.
It is equipped with a functional whipstaff and tiller.
The monogram "WMR" is present on the quarter gallery.
The initials "IS" and the date '92 are carved on a shield on one of the
decorated cradles which probably stands for John Shish.
A draught of the ship is preserved with the model.
1679 Grafton
- Model:
- 1679 Grafton, English Third Rate, 70 guns.
- Location:
- Henry Huddleston Rogers Collection, Annapolis.
- Scale:
- 1:48
- Dimensions:
- 150'8½"×40'10"×16'2"
- History:
- Formerly in the J. Seymour Lucas Collection.
- Photographs:
- Starboard broadside.
[From the US Naval Academy Museum].
- Bibliography:
- Catalogue of the Henry Huddleston Rogers
Collection of Ship Models, No. 32.
Navy Board style model rigged by Henry B. Culver.
R.C. Anderson examined the model in about 1912 and is responsible for
its identification.
It was then in a very poor condition, both head and stern missing.
It has since been completely restored beyond all recognition and it is
now impossible to distinguish between what is original and what is new.
1679 English Third Rate
- Model:
- c1679 English Third Rate.
- Location:
- Earl of Pembroke.
- Scale:
[Is this model the Hampton Court of 1678?]
1680 English Fourth Rate
- Model:
- 1680 English Fourth Rate, 56 guns.
- Location:
- Henry Huddleston Rogers Collection, Annapolis.
- Scale:
- 1:48
- Dimensions:
- 124'0"×44'0"×17'0"
- History:
- Photographs:
- Culver (1926), plate 28 (port broadside).
- Bibliography:
- Catalogue of the Henry Huddleston Rogers
Collection of Ship Models, No. 33.
A Navy Board style model made of boxwood and has modern rigging.
The stern decoration shows a Roman figure holding a sceptre and ord and
is flanked by two cherubs.
The photograph in Culver (1926) shows the model before the restoration.
1680 English Second Rate
- Model:
- c1680 English Second Rate.
- Location:
- Merseyside County Museum.
- Scale:
1681 Mordaunt
- Model:
- 1681 Mordaunt, English Fourth Rate of
40-46 guns.
- Location:
- National Maritime Museum, Greenwich. Inv. no. 1681-1.
- Scale:
- 1:48
- Dimensions:
- 122'×32'
- History:
- Previously in the Mercury Collection.
- Caird Collection, 1929.
- Photographs:
- Culver (1926), plate 21a (starboard broadside) & 21b
- SNR Annual Report 1929, pl 1 (stern).
- NMM: 1762 (broadside), 6145* (starboard bow), 6189 (stern).
- Bibliography:
- Robinson & Anderson (1912), pp 164-166 &q..
- Franklin, John: Navy Board Models, pp 95-97.
- National Maritime Museum Catalogue of Ship Models, pp 23.
A Navy Board style model.
Identified by R.C. Anderson from the coat of arms of Lord Mordaunt
which are found at the break of the poop.
The dimensions of the model corresponds exactly with those of the ship.
1682 English Fourth Rate
- Model:
- c1682 English Fourth Rate of 50 guns.
- Location:
- National Maritime Museum, Greenwich. Inv. no. 1682-1.
- Scale:
- 1:48
- Dimensions:
- 130'0"×33'6"; Keel (touch): 109'3"
- History:
- Bought by R.C. Anderson from Mr. F. Morrice, Brampton
Hall, Suffolk, in 1920.
- Photographs:
- Neg 108:35 (port quarter gallery).
- Culver (1926), pl 23a (port side), pl 23b (stern).
- The Mariner's Mirror (1913), pp 18-19 (starboard broadside & stern).
- Bibliography:
- Robinson & Anderson (1913).
- Franklin, John: Navy Board Models, pp 98-101;
- Not mentioned in National Maritime Museum Catalogue of Ship
The date 1682 is painted on the stern.
Plumes of ostrich feathers, the device of the Prince of Wales, are
The Stuart Arms are present on the stern and the cypher "CR" above the
rudder head.
displayed on the quarter galleries and stern.
This Navy Board style model appears to be made of mostly apple wood.
It has been suggested that the model represents a design for the
Bonaventure, c. 1683, built by Betts at Portsmouth.
1682 English Royal Yacht
- Model:
- c1682 English Royal Yacht.
- Location:
- Earl of Sandwich, Hinchingbrooke, Huntingdon.
- Scale:
- 1:32
- Dimensions:
- Model: 27.5"×7.8"×3.75"
- History:
- Bought by R.C. Anderson from Mr. F. Morrice, Brampton
Hall, Suffolk, in 1920.
- Photographs:
- Culver (1926), plate 29 (port broadside).
An unrigged Navy Board style model believed to represent the Royal Yacht
1683 Neptune
- Model:
- 1683 Neptune, English 90-gun ship.
- Location:
- Liverpool Museums, Liverpool.
- Scale:
- 1:48
- Dimensions:
- 167'×46'6"
- History:
- Photographs:
- Carter (1931), pp 225 (port broadside), p 226 (stern).
- Chatterton (1934), fig. 40 (port broadside); fig. 41 (stern).
- Bibliography:
- Carter (1931), pp 223-235, 5 plates.
A Navy Board style model on launching ways.
1684 English Third Rate
- Model:
- 1684 English Third Rate ship of 68-70 guns.
- Location:
- Heeresgeschichtlichen Museum, Wien.
- Scale:
- 1:48
- Dimensions:
- 150'×41', keel 124'
- Historys
- From the collection of the Austrian Emperor.
- Previously in the Technisches Museum, Wien.
- Restored by Helmuth Partel, Vienna, in 1968-72.
- Photographs:
- Köster (1926), fig. 26 (port quarter).
- Albert (1980), pp 156 (port side), 157 (stern).
- Bibliography:
- Kurt Krüger: A Navy Board Model in Vienna.
Rigged Navy Board style model.
From the collection of the Austrian Emperor.
Charle II's monogram is on the stern and the date 1684 is carved on the
The rigging is not original and not satisfactory.
The gun port arrangement with the upper ports crowded aft and the unusual
quarter-gallery supports suggest that the model represents either the
Hope or the Elizabeth.
1685 Coronation
- Model:
- 1685 Coronation, English Second Rate of
90 guns.
- Location:
- Kriegstein Collection.
- Scale:
- 1:51
- History:
- Reputably made by the master shipwright Isaac Beets at
Portsmouth Dockyard and owned by James II.
- Until 1713 in the possession of John Vaughan, Earl of Carbery,
Lord of the Admiralty 1683-1684 and 1689-1690.
- Obtained by Sir Richard Gough Kent in 1713 and after his death the
model remained at Gough House, Chelsea until 1911.
- On loan and displayed at the London Museum, Kensington Palace,
- Brought to the United States by Henry Symonds.
- In the possession of Mr Max Williams, NY, in 1926 according to
- Acquired by Junius S. Morgan, Jr, and remained in his possession for
forty years.
- Photographs:
- Culver (1926), plate 25a (port side), plate 25b (stern).
- Kriegstein, p 84a (entry port), p 84b (port broadside),
p 85a (head and foremast chains), p 85b (deck),
p 86a (quarterdeck & poop), p 86b (port quarter), p 87 (stern).
- Nance (1949), plate 38.
- Bibliography:
- Franklin, John: Navy Board Models, pp 102-106.
- Kriegstein, Arnold & Kriegstein, Henry: The Kriegstein Ship Model
Collection. A Photographic Essay. Nautical Research Journal
Vol. 27, pp 81-93, ill.
A Navy Board style model made of pear wood and with rigging added by
R.C. Anderson and L.A. Pritchard.
The model is equipped with a fully working whipstaff and tiller.
1685 English Fifth Rate
- Model:
- c1685 English Fifth Rate of 40 guns.
- Location:
- National Maritime Museum, Greenwich. Inv. no. 1685-1.
- Scale:
- 1:48
- Dimensions:
- 123'×34'
- History:
- Previously in the Rufford Abbey Collection.
- Caird Collection, 1938.
- Photographs:
- NMM: 5098 (broadside), 5099 (stern), 5163 (deck),
B9914* (port quarter).
- Bibliography:
- National Maritime Museum Catalogue of Ship
Models, pp 24.
The masts and spars are original but the rigging was replaced in 1939.
1685 English Royal yacht
- Model:
- c1685 English single masted Royal yacht.
- Location:
- National Maritime Museum, Greenwich. Inv. no. 1685-2.
- Scale:
- 1:32
- Dimensions:
- 75'×21'
- History:
- Previously in the Mercury Collection.
- Caird Collection, 1929.
- Photographs:
- Culver (1926), plate 19a (port broadside) & 19b
- NMM: 1616 (broadside), 4684 (quarter),
B9539* (starboard quarter).
- Bibliography
- National Maritime Museum Catalogue of Ship Models, pp 25.
The Royal Arms on the stern suggest a date between 1680 and 1688 or
between 1702 and 1707.
1687 St Albans
- Model:
- 1687 St Albans, English Fourth Rate of 56 guns.
- Location:
- Trinity House, London.
- Scale:
- 1:48
- Dimensions:
- 128'×32'9"×13'2".
- History:
- Owned by Robert Spence in 1926.
- Photographs:
- Science Museum: 4944 (broadside), 4945 (bow),
4946 (quarter).
The carvings are made by the same hand as those of the model of the
Boyne of 1692.
A set of plans taken off the model in 1926 is available at the Science
Museum, London (Inv. No. 1937-837).
1687 Deptford
- Model:
- 1687 Deptford, English Fourth Rate of 48/50 guns.
- Location:
- Central Naval Museum, St Petersburg.
- Scale:
- Photographs:
- Köster (1926), plate 24a (starboard quarter).
- Bibliography:
- Anderson, R.C.: English Models in St Petersburg.
Mariner's Mirror Vol. 56, pp 154.
An unrigged Navy Board style model bearing the cypher "IR" on the stern.
Identified by R.C. Anderson as representing either the
Deptford or the Sedgemore or 1687.
1687 Sedgemore
- Model:
- 1687 Sedgemore, English Fourth Rate of 48/50 guns.
- Location:
- Central Naval Museum, St Petersburg.
- Scale:
- Photographs:
- Köster (1926), plate 75b (starboard broadside).
- Bibliography:
- Anderson, R.C.: English Models in St Petersburg.
Mariner's Mirror Vol. 56, pp 154.
An unrigged Navy Board style model bearing the cypher "IR" on the stern.
Identified by R.C. Anderson as representing either the
Deptford or the Sedgemore or 1687.
1687 Elefanten
- Model:
- 1687 Elefanten, Danish Royal Yacht
of 24 guns.
- Location:
- Orlogsmuseet, Köbenhavn.
- Scale:
- Dimensions:
- 28.26×6.91×2.8 (d)
- 92'6"×22'8"×9'2"
- History:
- Made by the English Master Shipwright Francis Sheldon
then in Danish service.
- Transferred from Kunstkammeret (Arts Chamber) to the Royal Model
Collection in 1745.
- Photographs:
- Den historiske Modelsamling paa Holmen,
p 10 (starboard quarter), 11 (starboard broadside).
- Culver (1926), plate 30b (port quarter).
- Köster (1926), 18b (starboard side), fig. 19 (stern).
- Neg. 182:33-36; 198:20.
- Bibliography:
- Den historiske Modelsamling paa Holmen,
p 12.
- Jordening (1896), no 3, pp 26-27.
An entirely unplanked Navy Board style model.
The round tuck shows the English heritage.
1689 Tre Löver
- Model:
- 1689 Tre Löver, Danish 70-gun ship.
- Location:
- Orlogsmuseet, Köbenhavn.
- Scale:
- Dimensions:
- 47:41×11.93×5.7 (d)
- 155'7"×39'2"×18'8"
- History:
- The model was transferred from the
Kunstkammeren (Arts Chamber) to the Royal Model Collection in 1745.
- Photographs:
- Den historiske Modelsamling paa Holmen,
p 13 (starboard bow).
- Negative: 182:24-25; 198:19.
- Bibliography:
- Den historiske Modelsamling paa Holmen.
With bowsprit, main- and fore lower masts, topmasts lowered, lower yards
lowered to deck, topsail yards lowered to top.
There is no rigging.
This design by Francis Sheldon introduced (?) the English round tuck on
Danish ships.
Unplanked below the main wales.
The framing system is different from the traditional English dockyard
model pattern.
Except for midships where one pair of frames is left out, only every
third pair is present.
1690 English Royal yacht
- Model:
- c1690 English single masted Royal yacht.
- Location:
- National Maritime Museum, Greenwich. Inv. no. 1690-2.
- Scale:
- 1:32
- Dimensions:
- 74'×21'
- History:
- Previously in the Science Museum.
- Previously in the possession of Rear Admiral F. Proby Doughty
Bequeathed by Mrs Drogo Montagu in 1951.
- Photographs:
- NMM: 5812 (broadside), 5814* (port quarter), A855
- Bibliography:
- National Maritime Museum Catalogue of Ship Models, pp 27.
This Navy Board style model was restored and rerigged by the Science
Museum during the 1930s using the original masts and spars.
1690 English private yacht
- Model:
- c1690 English single masted private yacht.
- Location:
- National Maritime Museum, Greenwich. Inv. no. 1690-1.
- Scale:
- 1:32
- Dimensions:
- 68'×20'
- History:
- Bought by R.C. Anderson without pedigree in 1919,
but he had reasons to believe that this model originally came from
Whitehaven where it once had belonged to the first Viscount Lonsdale.
- Presented to the Museum by R.C. Anderson in 1949.
- Photographs:
- NMM: B9541* (port bow).
- Anderson, R.C.: Notes on a Collection of Ship Models.
Mariner's Mirror Vol. 28, 1942, plate 1A.
- Culver (1926), plate 37.
- Sailing Ship Models, plate 31.
- Bibliography:
National Maritime Museum Catalogue of Ship Models, pp 26.
A navy Board style model.
All decoration and framing of the stern windows and uprights of its head
are missing.
A few small carvings, for which patterns were available, were replaced in 1937.
A similar model is in the Rogers collection at Annapolis.
1690 English Private Yacht
- Model:
- c1690 English private yacht.
- Location:
- National Maritime Museum, Greenwich. Inv. no. 1690-3.
- Scale:
- 1:32
- Dimensions:
- 75'×21'
- History:
- Previously in the possession of the Earl of Normanton.
- Caird Collection, 1959.
- Photographs:
- NMM: A8923 (broadside), A8924 (bow), 8925 (quarter),
C598* (port bow).
- Bibliography:
- NMM p 28.
A Navy Board style model equipped with launching flag poles.
1690 English Fourth Rate
- Model:
- c1690 English Fourth Rate of 48 guns.
- Location:
- Kriegstein Collection.
- Scale:
- 1:48
- History:
- Was on loan to Mystic Seaport Museum and displayed there from 1956 to
- Photographs:
- NRJ 27, p 88a (head),
p 88b (starboard broadside), p 89 (stern).
Modern rigging fitted after 1926, except for masts, spars and lower
standing rigging which is original.
1691 English Fourth Rate
- Model:
- c1691 English Fourth Rate of 60 guns on the
Establishment of 1691.
- Location:
- Science Museum, London. Inv. no. 1869-66.
- Scale:
- 1:48
- Dimensions:
- 128' (keel)×36'14'
- History:
- Work was started on the model in 1700 but was not
completed until 1723.
- Lent by H.J. Dafforne, Esq.
- Photographs:
- Neg. 105:19-21; Science Museum 16,288.
- Bibliography:
- Sailing Ships, Part II,
The model corresponds most closely to the Canterbury or the
Medway launched in 1693.
The double steering wheel, of comparatively modern merchant type, is a
later addition.
1691 English Fourth Rate
- Model:
- c1691 English Fourth Rate of 48-50 guns.
- Location:
- National Maritime Museum, Greenwich. Inv. no. 1691-1.
- Scale:
- 1:48
- Dimensions:
- 126'×34'
- History:
- Caird Collection, 1936.
- Photographs:
- SNR Annual Report 1935, pl XXII (stern).
- NMM: 1979 (broadside), A8058 (bow), B5350* (port stern).
- Bibliography:
- NMM p 29.
- Franklin, pp 107-110.
The two monograms "W.R." and "M.R." of William and Mary fixes the
date of this Navy Board style model between 1689 and 1694.
The square tuck is unusual for English ships of this date as it was
replaced by about 1630.
It is also shown on the models Nos. 1685-1 and 1695-1 in the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich.
1692 Boyne
- Model:
- 1692 Boyne English third rate of 80 guns.
- Location:
- National Maritime Museum, Greenwich. Inv. no. 1692-1.
- Scale:
- 1:48
- Dimensions:
- 157'×41'
- History:
- Presented to Greenwich Hospital by King William IV in 1830, previously in the Royal Naval Museum.
- Photographs:
- NMM: B9873 (broadside), B5872 (bow),
B5346 (port bow closeup), B9874* (port stern).
- Bibliography:
- NMM p 31.
A Navy Board style model.
There is a scroll at the break of the poop which bears the name and date
of the ship, place of building and of Harding, the name of the builder.
1692 Bredah
- Model:
- 1692 Bredah, English Third Rate of 70 guns.
- Location:
- Trinity House, London.
- Scale:
- Photographs:
- Lees, James: The Masting and Rigging of
English Ship of War 1625-1860.
Conway Maritime Press, Greenwich, 1979. Fig. 1 & 2.
A Navy Board style model with contemporary rigging.
1692 English Fourth Rate
- Model:
- 1692 English Fourth Rate.
- Location:
- Wilton House.
- Scale:
1692 English Third Rate
- Model:
- c1692 English Third Rate, 80 guns.
- Location:
- Henry Huddleston Rogers Collection, Annapolis.
- Scale:
- 1:48
- Dimensions:
- 156'0"×42'0"×17'6"
- History:
- Formerly in the Charles Sergison Collection at
Chuckfield Park.
- The Rogers Collection, Metropolitan Museum, New York.
- Photographs:
- Chatterton (1923), plate 47.
- Bowen (1949), pl 22 (stern).
- Stevens (1949), plate 12a (starboard broadside), plate 17a (quarter deck),
plate 18a (fore deck), plate 13b (stern), plate 19 (entry port),
plate 14 (starboard head).
- Fox (1980), fig 173 (starboard broadside).
- Bibliography:
- Catalogue of the Henry Huddleston Rogers
Collection of Ship Models, No. 8.
An unrigged Navy Board style model made of boxwood.
1695 Transport Royal
- Model:
- 1695 Transport Royal.
- Location:
- Central Naval Museum, St Petersburg.
- Scale:
- Comment
- A Navy Board style model.
1695 English Third Rate
- Model:
- c1695 English Third Rate, 70 guns.
- Location:
- Earl of Pembroke.
- Scale:
- Dimensions:
- History:
- Photography
- Laver II, p 60 (stern).
1695 English Third Rate
- Model:
- c1695 English Third Rate, 60 guns.
- Location:
- Unknown.
- Scale:
- 1:40
- Dimensions:
- History:
- Bought by R.C. Anderson from a dealer in 1924.
- Photography
- RCA 1942, pl 1 b.
- Bibliography:
- RCA 1942.
1695 English Fourth Rate
- Model:
- 1695 English Fourth Rate, 52 guns.
- Location:
- Henry Huddleston Rogers Collection, Annapolis.
- Scale:
- 1:48
- Dimensions:
- 124'0"×32'0"×14'0"
- History:
- Formerly in the Charles Sergison Collection at
Chuckfield Park.
- Photographs:
- Stern.
[From the US Naval Academy Museum].
- Bibliography:
- Catalogue of the Henry Huddleston Rogers
Collection of Ship Models, No. 9.
1695 English Fourth Rate
- Model:
- c1695 English Fourth Rate ship of 48-50 guns.
- Location:
- National Maritime Museum, Greenwich. Inv. no. 1695-1.
- Scale:
- 1:48
- Dimensions:
- 132'×36'
- History:
- Presented to the Greenwich Hospital by King William IV
in 1830.
- Previously in Royal Naval Museum.
- Photographs:
- Neg 108:28-34.
- Chatterton (1923), pl 22 (port broadside).
- Culver (1926), plate 33 (port broadside).
- NMM: 9880* (port side), B9881 (bow), B5344 (figurehead), B9882 (deck).
- Bibliography:
- NMM, p 32.
Re-rigged by the Museum in 1937.
The Royal arms and a single monogram "W.R." are found on the stern of
this Navy Board style model dates this model between 1695 and 1702.
1695 English Sixth Rate
- Model:
- c1695 English Sixth Rate ship of 26 guns.
- Location:
- Central Naval Museum, St Petersburg.
- Scale:
- Comment
- A Navy Board style model.
- Photographs:
- Köster (1926), fig. 50a (starboard side).
A Navy Board style model presented by the English King William III to
the Russian Czar Peter the Great.
Incorrectly given by Köster as the non-existing Russian Yacht
Prinz Alexander of 1716.
Almost exactly like the Lizard of 1697.
1696 English Sixth Rate
- Model:
- c1696 Six Rate, 24 guns.
- Location:
- Henry Huddleston Rogers Collection, Annapolis.
- Scale:
- 1:48
- Dimensions:
- 105'0"×26'0"×10'0"
- History:
- Bibliography:
- Catalogue of the Henry Huddleston Rogers
Collection of Ship Models, No. 14.
A Navy Board style model made of olive wood.
1697 Lizard
- Model:
- 1697 Lizard, English 30 gun ship.
- Location:
- Pitt-Rivers Museum, Oxford.
- Scale:
- 1:48
- Dimensions:
- 95'×25'4"; Keel: 74'
- History:
- The model is believed to have been built by Robert Shortis.
- Given by Dr George Clarke to the Ashmolean Museum,
Oxford, at some time between 1719 and 1736.
- Transferred to the Pitt-Rivers Museum in 1886.
- Photographs:
- Culver (1926), plate 44a (starboard broadside),
44b (stern).
- Bibliography:
- Franklin, pp 116-120.
An unrigged Navy Board style model which has been identified as the
Lizard on the evidence of the dimensions, the intials "R.S."
and the date "97" carved in the cradles.
Equipped with three flagpoles in place for the masts.
The one in the position of the main mast flies the Royal Standard.
1698 English Third Rate
- Model:
- c1698 English Third Rate 70-gun ship.
- Location:
- National Maritime Museum, Greenwich. Inv. no. 1698-2.
- Scale:
- 1:48
- Dimensions:
- 150'×40'
- History:
- Lent by the Marquess of Salisbury 1955.
- Photographs:
- NMM: A8056 (broadside), A8057* (starboard quarter).
- Bibliography:
- NMM, p 33.
A Navy Board style model built by Fisher Harding, Master Shipwright at
Deptford Dockyard, in 1698.
1698 English Fourth Rate
- Model:
- c1698 English Fourth Rate.
- Location:
- National Maritime Museum, Greenwich.
- Scale:
1699 Nassau
- Model:
- 1699 Nassau, English 70-gun ship.
- Location:
- Science Museum, London.
- Scale:
- Dimensions:
- History:
- Lent by the Robert Spence, Esq.
- Photographs:
- Chatterton (1934), fig. ??.
A Navy Board style model with contemporary rigging.
The rigging has been somewhat restored.
Updated 1998-08-25 by
Lars Bruzelius
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Copyright © 1996 Lars Bruzelius.