
A tea clipper built of wood in 1852 by Richard & Henry Green, Blackwall, as Yard No. 291. Dimensions: 174'×32'×20' and tonnage: 699 NM, 649,74 GRT & NRT, and 614,07 tons under deck.
1852 December 23
Launched at the shipyard of Richard & Henry Green, Blackwall, for Hugh Hamilton Lindsay, London.
In command of Captain James Killick.
1852 February 21 - June 11
Sailed from London to Shanghai in 111 days.
1852 July 28 - November 17
Sailed from Shanghai to London in 112 days with tea. The American clipper Nightingale which also sailed from Shanghai on the same day was beat by two days to Deal.
1856 February 12 - May 23
Sailed from London to Hong Kong in 101 days.
1856 July 31
Left Shanghai for London with 200.600 lb of tea and 5841 bales of silk to a total value of &pounf 500.000. Ground at the mouth of the Woosung River the same night and had to be towed back to Shanghai for repairs.
Captain T. Macey.
1863 June 14 - October 20
Sailed from Hankow to London in 128 days with a cargo of tea at £7 10s to £8 per ton.
1863 November 16 - April 4
Sailed from London to Shangahi in 140 days.
1864 June 17 - October 25
Sailed from Hankow to London in 130 days with tea.
Captain Henry Wray Browne.
1864 December 8 - April 22
Sailed from London to Shanghai in 135 days.
1865 June 24 - October 18
Sailed from Hankow to London in 115 days with tea.
1865 November 13
Sold to Killick, Martin & Ritchie, London.
1865 December 12 - May 15
Sailed from London to Yokohama in 156 days.
1868 December 10
Sold to William Stewart, London, who owned the ship for four days before selling it again.
1868 December 14
Sold to John Grice, Thomas Grice & James Septimus Grice, London.
1871 January
Register transferred to Melbourne.
1871 May 14
Abandoned at 48°N, 13°W.

Updated 1998-02-11 by Lars Bruzelius

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