
Composite tea clipper built in 1867 by Robert Steele & Co., Greenock, to the design of William Steele. Dimensions: 191'6"×32'9"×19'9" and tonnage: 985 83/94 tons OM, 799 tons. Rigged with Cunningham's roller-reefing single topsails.
1867 July 23
Launched at the shipyard of Robert Steele & Co., Greenock, for Alexander Rodger, Glasgow. Captain John Smith, late of the tea clipper Min.
1868 May 30 - September 7
Sailed from Foochow to London in 101 days with 1.231.397 tons of tea.
1869 October 28 - February 3
Sailed from London to Shanghai in 98 days, or 95 days pilot to pilot.
1869 July 3 - October 12
Sailed from Foochow to London in 101 days.
1870 October 12 - January 18
Sailed from Foochow to London in 98 days.
1871 July 27 - November 15
Sailed from Foochow to London 111 days.
1872 June 30
Left Shanghai for London.
1872 July 31
Wrecked on Sandalwood Island, Sunda Islands, on voyage from Shanghai to London with tea.

Updated 1996-12-26 by Lars Bruzelius

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Copyright © 1996 Lars Bruzelius.