N.B. Palmer

An extreme clipper built in 1851 by Westervelt & Mackay, New York. Her dimensions were: 202'6"×38'6"×21'11" and tonnage: 1399 tons old measurement and 1124 tons new measurement.

1851 February 5
Launched at the shipyard of Westervelt & Mackay, New York, for A.A. Low & Brother, New York. Her first master was Captain Charles Porter Low.
1851 August 21
Arrived at San Francisco from New York after a passage of 107 days. Brought to the quay-side by Captain Low without the assistance of towboats.
1852 August 16
Put into Valparaiso, 85 days from New York, to put off two seamen who had tried to murder the first and second mate.
1853 February 28
Struck the Broussa Shoal, a reef at North Watcher Island in the Java Sea, but was able to get off and had to put into Batavia to be repaired at the Onrust Naval Yard.
1854 January 26
Arrived at San Francisco from New York after 121 days.
Sailed from New York to Hong Kong in 88 days with Captain Higham in command.
1858 October 25 — January 16
Sailed from Shanghai to New York in the record time of 82 days (64 from Anjer).
Sailed from New York to Hong Kong in 100 days with Captain
Sailed from New York to Hong Kong in 100 days.
Sailed from New York to Hong Kong in 97 days.
Sailed from New York to Hong Kong in 90 days.
Sailed from New York to Hong Kong in 93 days.
1873 February
1892 January 10
Abandoned in the North Atlantic at 45°N, 43°W. At the time she was registered at Arendal, Norway.

Updated 1996-04-05 by Lars Bruzelius.

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Copyright © 1996 Lars Bruzelius.