The Caliph

An extreme composite clipper ship built in 1869 by Alexander Hall & Sons, Aberdeen, at £ 17 per ton. Dimensions: 215'5"×36'1"×20'4" and tonnage 914 NRT and 888 tons under deck.

Equipped with Brown and Harfield's patent windlass.

1869 September 6
Launched at the shipyard of Alexander Hall & Sons, Aberdeen, as yard No. 263 for Alexander Hector, London. Assigned class 17A1 by Lloyd's.
1869 September 19 - 21
Sailed from Aberdeen to London in 36 hours.
1869 October 23 - February 1
Sailed from Isle of Wight to Shanghai in 101 days.
1870 December 6 - March 3
Sailed from Foochow to New York in 87 days or 85 days pilot to pilot.
Missing after having passed Anjer bound for Shanghai.

Select bibliography

Updated 1997-019-02 by Lars Bruzelius

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Copyright © 1996 Lars Bruzelius.