Knight of St. Michael
A four-masted steel ship built in 1883 by W.B. Thompson, Glasgow.
Dimensions: 89,78×12,85×7,33 meters [294'7"×42'2"×24'1"] and tonnage: 2278 GRT and 2221 NRT.
Rigged with royal sails over double top and topgallant sails.
- 1883 February
- Launched at the shipyard of W.B. Thompson, Glasgow, for R.L. Greenshields, Cowie & Co., Liverpool.
- 1883 April 2
- Left Liverpool for Hooghly, India, under command
of Captain T. Johnstone.
- 1897 March
- Sold to Ant. Dom. Bordes et fils, Dunkerque, and was renamed Pacifique. Captain Le Treust.
- 1898
- Left Astoria in company with the fourmasted barque Province which arrived in Europe after
114 days, only 12 hours before the Pacifique.
- 1899 September 24 - December 9
- Left Iquique for La Pallice in
company with the German fourmasted barque Athene bound for Hamburg [?]. The
Pacifique arrived at her destination at the same time as the
Athene passed Beachy Head.
- 1901
- Captain and five men of the crew were washed overboard off
Cape Horn and the Pacifique had to seek refugee in Montevideo. on
voyage from Tyne to Valparaiso with a cargo of coal.
- 1907
- Collided with the same owner's fourmast barque
Rh�ne in the neighborhood of the Falkland Islands during the exchange of articles. The Rôhne repaird the damaged bowsprit in Valparaiso while Pacifique continued her voyage to Pisagua.
Both masters lost their ships on account of the accident.
- 1916
- Sold to Gaillard & Co., Bayonne, and was renamed Pazifique.
- 1916 October 21
- Left Penarth for Port Arthur, TX, and
disappeared en route.
Updated 1996-12-28 by Lars Bruzelius.
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