The Masts of the Thomas W. Lawson

The names of the seven masts of the Thomas W. Lawson have been the subject for some discussion.

Original sail plan No. 1No. 2No. 3No. 4No. 5No. 6No. 7
Axel Larson [1] No. 1No. 2No. 3No. 4No. 5 No. 6 Spanker
At launch Fore Main Mizzen Spanker Jigger Driver Pusher
After launch Forecastle Fore Main Mizzen Jigger Spanker After
Capt. Frank H. Peterson [2] ForeMainMizzenAfter MizzenJiggerDriverSpanker
Later changed [2] ForeMainMizzenNo.4 No. 5No. 6 Spanker
Capt. Arthur Crowley [3] ForeMainMizzenNo.4No. 5No. 6 Spanker
Capt. William Holland [4] Fore Main Mizzen Jigger Spanker Driver Rudder Mast
Douglas Lawson [5] ForeMain Mizzen Spanker Rider Driver Jigger
Capt. Ernest D. Sproul [6] Fore Main Mizzen Middle Spanker Driver Pusher
Charles H. Lincoln [7] SundayMonday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday FridaySaturday
  1. Axel Larson, Foreman Rigger at the Atlantic Works of the Boston Plant. Notes at the Phillips Library, Peabody Essex Museum.
  2. According to Capt. Frank H. Peterson, secretary of the Boston Marine Society Capt. Arthur Crowley told him what the masts were originally called.
  3. Capt. Arthur L. Crowley, the first master of the Thomas W. Lawson, in a letter preserved at the Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, MA.
  4. Capt. William Holland of Bradford: "Having served as quartermaster on the Thomas W. Lawson, I feel I must know the names of the sticks she had in her."
  5. Douglas Lawson was the son of Thomas W. Lawson.
  6. Capt. Ernest D. Sproul of the Old State House Marine Museum.
  7. Charles H. Lincoln of the Boston Post and a literary associate of Thomas W. Lawson has said that Lawson told him that the masts were named for the days of the week.

Updated 1998-12-28 by Lars Bruzelius

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Copyright © 1996 Lars Bruzelius.