To make Ladles to Load your Guns with.

The Ladles ought to be so proportioned for every Gun, that Two Ladles full of Powder may Charge the Piece; which in General Terms is thus.

The breath of all Ladles are to be Two Diameters of the Shot, that so a Third may be left open for the Powder to fall freely out of the Ladle, when you turn it bottom upwards; the length of the Ladles must be somewhat different, according as the Piece is Fortified.

For Double Fortified Cannons, the length of the Ladle may be Two Diameters and One half of their Shot, besides so much as is necessary to fasten it to the Head of the Ladle-Staff, which will require One Diameter more of Plate; (but this is not reckoned to the length of the Ladle, because it holds no Powder. For Ordinary Cannons the Ladle must not exceed Two Diameters of their Shot in length.

For Culverings and Demy-Culverings, the Ladle may be Three Diameters of their Shot, and Three and a half for Lesser Guns to load them at Twice.

If you would load them at once, you must double the length of the Ladle.

F Observe this for a General Rule, that a Ladle Nine Balls in length, and Two Balls in breadth, will hold the just weight of the Shot in Powder.

But note, that Iron Ordnance must have but Three Quarters of the Charge of Brass Ordnance.

John Seller: The Sea-Gunner: Shewing the Practical Part of Gunnery , as it is Used at Sea. ...
Printed by H. Clark for the Author, London, 1691.

Transcribed by Lars Bruzelius

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